Chapter 1 "What's happening to me?"

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God, Mom, don't leave me, I don't want you to die, please, please.

Max: "Dude, aren't you feeling well today?You're just a little thoughtful"
I: "I'm sorry, just, you know, um, lately something seems to be happening to my house"
Max:"Do you think it's all because of your mother's death?"
I:"I really don't know, but at night I see silhouettes that just stand"
Max"It's all very strange, they just stand there and that's it?"
I: "Yes, they just stand there and they really interfere with my concentration"
Max: "I would advise you to go somewhere for treatment, you know, relax, maybe you want to go to the sea?"
I: "Yes, it's probably possible all because of the severe stress"
Max: "Okay dude, I'm going to study for the exam and you better not stay too long in the cafe, find yourself a girlfriend"
Me: "Find a girl?What are you talking about?"
Max: "Well, I think you could use it"
I:"Do you think someone like me might fall in love?"
Max: "I don't think anything yet, but I hope you succeed"

||||||||||| An hour ago|||||||||||
Max is my best friend and he supports me all the time in a difficult moment for me, I hope we will not split up later, because he is the only one who understands me.
I'm an ordinary guy, I'm in the 9th grade and I was constantly alone, I've never had a girlfriend in my life and most likely won't have one at all.
When my mother died, I was left alone, my father left the family, and I never had a sister or brother, the apartment remained with me, I even got a job, although not such a large-scale one, but somehow I need to provide for myself, plus a friend helps me in any way he can.
Once he even cooked me a meal, but burnt, although even for that I'm glad that at least someone cares about me.
Oh my dirty old apartment, I finally came home.
(Door opening)
Oh, maybe I should clean up here, I'll get a mop and start cleaning.
(Lo and behold)(He turned around)
But why are they here again?What do they want from me?Please leave me alone
There was a dark silhouette of a man in front of me, his face was not visible, but I saw his disgusting grin,I tried to touch it, but it just evaporated.
And this is just one of a thousand silhouettes, I turned around and saw a darkness in which there were a variety of silhouettes.From women to children, from men to the elderly.
But there was a drop of relief when I turned on the light, they simply evaporated, I noticed it when I accidentally turned on the light with them, so I started falling asleep with the light, eventually I got used to them and slept without light.
But that night something very strange happened, as usual I was sitting and playing a game on the computer, but out of the corner of my eye I began to notice one silhouette, it did not look like the others, it had wings, and horns were out of its ears.
I thought that there was nothing terrible, but I was mistaken, the same monster caught me that night, he just breathed and looked at me and it's strange, usually others just turned in my direction and did nothing, but this one looked at me, breathed and turned his head to the side.
The next morning I hurried to the psychologist again, but to my disappointment it never helped me.
On the way back, I noticed a girl walking in the opposite direction, she was wearing a light dress and holding a bag in her hands, I think.
Hmm, it's amazing, but when the silhouette in front of her that I saw appeared, she just waved it off and walked on.
It's as if she sees them too and everything seems smooth to her.
I hurried to the grocery store, there was nothing left at home from which to make food.
I bought a lot of things and hurried to the checkout.
Cashier: "Hello, do you have a store card?"
I: "No"
Cashier: "Small or large package?"
Cashier: "Do you want us to come for you again at night and disfigure your unfortunate body?"
I: "Yes of course"
And then I froze,looking into the bloody face of an employee from which brains were flowing and eyes were coming out like a butterfly from a cocoon.
I wanted to leave, but I lost consciousness, and when I woke up, I think I was in the hospital, the doctors came up to me and breathed a sigh of relief.
The doctor: "Have you woken up yet?It seems that you lost consciousness in the store, fortunately at that time the store employee called soon"
Me: "Oh well,I think I'm feeling better now, can I go home?"
The doctor: "Yes, of course, just remember not to work too hard and remember that you have only one life"

I hurried home and on the way I found that girl who was passing by then, she gave me a gloomy and tired look and seemed to go in my direction.
I didn't know what to do in such a situation and quickly hurried home, but it seems she was faster and knocked me to the ground with all her might, I only saw her arrogant and tired look, she looked down at me and started talking.
Girl:Do you see them too?

To be continued....

Words from the author:I hope you liked the first chapter, let me remind everyone that I took the story on the Internet from a dude who asked why he had silhouettes after his mother's death, this prompted me to make a mystery.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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