Reflections of a Copycat

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Neito Monoma sat alone on the rooftop of U.A. High School, the evening sky painted with hues of orange and pink. The school grounds below buzzed with activity as students hurried to their dorms, excitedly chattering about the day's events, while Monoma was lost in thought, the usual smirk absent from his face.

"Monoma," a voice called out, breaking his reverie. He turned to see Itsuka Kendo approaching, her usual warm smile greeting him. "What are you doing up here all alone?"

He shrugged, trying to muster his typical bravado. "Just thinking about how to beat our Class 1-A rivals next time."

Kendo sat down beside him, her expression turning serious. "You know, it's okay to be honest with me. What's really on your mind?"

Monoma sighed, the facade dropping. "Do you ever feel like... no matter how hard you try, you'll never be seen for who you really are? That you'll always be in someone else's shadow?"

Kendo's eyes softened with understanding and sighed slightly too. "Is this about your Quirk?"

He nodded. "Copying others' Quirks is useful, but it's not mine. It feels like my entire identity is built on what other people can do. Sometimes, I wonder if anyone really sees Neito Monoma, or if they just see the copycat."

Kendo placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "You know, your ability to adapt and use other people's Quirks is incredible. It shows how versatile and quick-thinking you are. Those qualities are very much a part of who you are."

Monoma looked down at his hands, hesitation piercing through his voice. "But it’s always about them, isn't it? I want to be recognized for my own strength, not just for borrowing someone else's."

Kendo smiled softly. "You have a strength all your own, Monoma. Your determination, your intelligence, your leadership in Class 1-B – those are all you. And people do see that, even if they don't always say it."

He met her gaze, a flicker of hope in his eyes. "Do you really think so?"

"I know so," she replied firmly. "And besides, you're not alone in this. We all struggle with our insecurities. The important thing is to keep pushing forward and to believe in yourself, just as much as you believe in us."

Monoma took a deep breath, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders. "Thanks, Kendo. I guess sometimes I just need a reminder."

"Anytime," she said with a grin. "Now, how about we head back before Vlad finds us up here and gives us extra works?"

Monoma chuckled, standing up and offering Kendo a hand. "Let's go. And maybe, just maybe, I'll come up with a plan that will finally take down those 1-A show-offs."

As they made their way back inside, Monoma felt a renewed sense of purpose. He would prove himself, not just as the crazy acting copycat, but as Neito Monoma, a future hero in his own right.


Hope you enjoyed! It's far from what i usually write but i kinda like it this way... if there's any mistakes, I'm sorry!
See ya! ♡

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