Dragon Less

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What people do not know about Dragon Magical is that he has a brother named Dragon Less, and that is me. When we had a Chemical Spill on our Future Planet, everyone turned into shapeshifting dragon cyborgs, for God knows how. I certainly got a power.
I have just the quality traits of a Dragon Cyborg. I look like a human with human looking eyes (but computureized), robotic arms, robotic teeth, can breathe fire like a dragon, and a long robotic dragon tail. I have long lengthy nails, but almost too human like, and again, I cannot shape shift into a full on dragon.

I have always gotten mocked because of my brother. Whatever my brother does, he is better than me. He wrote a book, got all of the girls, excelled in school, and was just a team player overall. When we arrived to America after the Chemical Spill had happened, we were poor and became part of the SuperHeroes Universe! There were other superheroes among us, do not know how they got their powers, and grew up poor as well. But I, Dragon Less, wanted all the wealthy possible. I tried to commit crime, I tried to rob from other superheroes, and tried to become part of The Villains Corporation Inc! My brother said to me:

"This, this isn't the path you want to take." I did not listen to him, and I certainly did not care one bit. So, I contacted Mr. Alberto Brutal, head of The Villains Corporation Inc! Mr. Alberto Brutal even frowned upon me.

"Sorry, you cannot." He snickered, "You were part of a superhero family, you grew up poor. Still need to work through it. You weren't created by The God rather a Chemical Spill who granted you to become Dragon Cyborgs. Now, don't ever step in front of The Villains Corporation Inc! Ever again."

He shut a door on me. I wanted to cry, but I told myself to man up, and I did. So, I worked towards my goal of becoming successful. I decided that I wanted to help the villains who were not qualified yet to become part of The Villains Corporation Inc! And this became another war. The villains who were not qualified prayed to The God everyday to grant them powers, and nothing.

So I went beyond my measure. Through the midst of it all there was still someway I can find a Future Planet, and I came across a Future Planet called Therosky. There was not much on it, and decided to make this planet nothing other than my own. I had the villains who weren't given a chance to join me on Therosky.

So, then we had a plan to call our selves "Middle Class," and we were neither heroes nor we were villains. We knew how to do good, we knew how to do bad. We knew how to do the everything in between, and it was some crazy time.

Of course Mr. Alberto Brutal from The Villains Corporation Inc! Decided he wanted to travel to our Future Planet and collect our resources. He said that The God wanted to grant us powers but it was too late, we stood our ground. I found a way for The God to not grant us powers. I made a Shield on our planet to protect us from harm, it was the perfect barrier. But then, the Shield had broken. The God managed to get to us, and gave in, so we can become part of The Villains Corporation Inc! They wanted more power and wealth to thrive in the United States, to thrive in Purple City.

We finally met The God, and the SuperHero Universe asked us what we looked like and had to keep The God's identity a secret. Alison Gilded, a news reporter, went crazy over this mini brief war that had happened. "From then on, we shall create peace," The God remarked, "And peace is what we shall need. Welcome new villains of The Villains Corporation Inc! We will be strong, we will be united!" 

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