janiel's journal day 1

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January 7th of 2015, 5:27 AMI don't know what is happening, I was flying around in the air when I noticed something, people were acting strange, some were, the others were fine, I thought maybe they were going to a hospital

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January 7th of 2015, 5:27 AM
I don't know what is happening, I was flying around in the air when I noticed something, people were acting strange, some were, the others were fine, I thought maybe they were going to a hospital.

January 7th of 1015, 7:45 AM
More people are scared, I've been up high watching whats going on...dear god...someone just got mauled, what the hell?! Now I'm worried for Juliet and Janie, I haven't seen them in awhile...maybe the dog Juliet brought yesterday had some sort of disease? Like rabies? What the fuck...is one of them looking at me? It's a good thing I'm up high in the sky...I'm used to flying, they don't even have wings.

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