1: The Tailor Family

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Once upon a time there lived a family. A father, mother and at the time their only daughter and child, Courtney. Courtney was always a cheerful kid and brought joy to the family but even when she tried to be happy others wouldn't look at her situation as such.

At the age of two years old, Tommy and Jennifer found out their little girl has a very weak heart. Because of that the poor girl had been in and out of the hospital it's basically her second home. When Courtney was at home instead of the hospital her parents of course couldn't stay home with her all the time since they had work so Tommy asked his nineteen-year-old sister at the time to babysit her while him and Jennifer are at work.

Tommy and Jennifer plan was never to have Courtney to attend public school, the idea of home schooling her seemed like a way better idea so Jennifer thought it would be a great idea to adopt a child close to Courtney's age, so the girl won't be alone.

Tommy agreed with his wife, and he didn't waste no time looking on the internet at orphanages and foster homes. They looked through each picture until their eyes landed on a picture of this four-year-old little girl with wavy chestnut hair and blue eyes, she also had a small gap between her teeth that made them awe.

Jennifer eyes lit up she thought the young girl would fit right in with their small family. Her name is Delilah, and she lives in a foster home not that far from them. 

Tommy called the number that was listed on the site and made an appointment with Delilah's foster family. 

The meeting went well and next week the Tailor's brought home a new addition to the family. The little girl looked around as Jennifer went to get Courtney and she waited downstairs with Tommy.

Mrs. Tailor peaked into her daughter's bedroom to see the small blonde girl playing her dolls, "Darling, your father and I are home." The blonde girl in the pigtails and pink dress head perked and turns to her mother.

"Mom!" She squeals standing up and running over to hug her mother, "I missed you!" Jennifer laughed knowing that her and Tom weren't gone that long, "I miss you too, guess what?"

"What?" Courtney asked glancing up still holding onto the woman.

"Come on." Courtney held Jennifer's hand as she guides her downstairs where Tommy and her new sister are waiting in the living room.

Tommy was having a conversation with Delilah about animal, all the different kinds of animals. He made a note to himself to take her and Courtney to the zoo for family bonding and maybe buy her a bunch of stuff animals.

He noticed Jenn and Courtney entering and smiled and the four-year-old to turn her head to them. Courtney ran to him and hugged gave him a hug which he accepted with open arms, when she pulls away from the hug, she looks at Delilah with curious eyes.

Delilah smiles at the older girl, Tommy and Jennifer informed her of the six-year-olds medical problem. She didn't fully understand since she's only four, but she understands that it's serious and Courtney needs a lot of attention and aren't around kids her age.

"Hi, I'm Delilah." Delilah introduced herself giving a small wave, at the foster home they taught her how to greet people.

Courtney stared at the younger girl for a few minutes without saying anything, "Hi, my name is Courtney, who are you?" That question threw Delilah off a little, she already introduce herself to her, what else?

Tommy saw the confusion on Delilah's face, he chuckled, "Courtney, Delilah is your little sister." He told his blunt daughter.

Courtney eyebrows scrunched together and looked from her parents to the other girl in front of her, "But she doesn't look anything like us." She whispered to them when Jennifer went to sit beside her husband. Delilah frowned at how blunt she's being, diverting her eyes to her new parents she saw them smiling.

"She is now, we adopted her a week ago and starting from this day onward she'll be living with us." Jennifer explains to her daughter.

Tommy nodded, "Yup, she's two years younger than you meaning you are now a big sister."

Courtney eyes widen and a smile grew across her face, "I always wanted to be a big sister!" She says all excited turning her head to Delilah who still has a frown on, "Do you want to see my room?" 

The frown was replaced with a smile and Delilah nods. Courtney grabs her hand and drags her out the living room, Jennifer yelled, "No running, Courtney!" 

Courtney slowed down and led her new sister to her bedroom and the married couple smiled knowing their oldest daughter won't be alone.

That might be true for Courtney but what about Delilah? She finally has a family that seemed to want her, but her new parents only seem to direct all their attention on Courtney. Like before she understands, she's their biological child and has a problem.

Her and her older sister do everything together and when Tommy and Jennifer do spend time with her it's mainly when she's playing with Courtney, or they take the girls somewhere. She would like at least some one-on-one time with them.

At the age of six Delilah decides to be a little bold and finally ask Jennifer who's in the kitchen a question.

"M-mom?" She walks to the counter and hops up on the stool, "Hm?" Jennifer is playing her Christian music as she cooked lunch with is one of her favorites things to do.

"I-I've been wondering." 

"And what's that dear?" Jennifer asked looking her way, Delilah bit her lip, "I was wondering, maybe me, you, and daddy can spend time together." Jennifer paused the song and turned around to her youngest daughter, "What do you mean, sweetie? We do spend time with you." The woman chuckled.

Delilah shook her head, "No..." Tears filled her eyes, "Y-you only spend time with me when I'm with Courtney, never just you and me or dad and me." She wiped her eyes, Jennifer frowned, she knows how sensitive the girl can be at times.

"You two do that with Courtney, so why not me?" She hickuped as she cried wiping the tears away, "I-I-I'm sorry for being sensitive but I want to spend time with you b-both." Jennifer walked over to her and hugged her tightly.

"Don't be sorry, your father and I were so happy when we adopted you."

"Yeah, only because you wanted Courtney to have a friend to keep her company." Delilah thought but quickly scolded herself for being rude.

She lets go and looks down at her wiping her tears, "How about this, I'll have a conversation with daddy about you having a one-on-one time with us and if he agrees then that'll be what we'll do?"

Delilah's eyes lit up and she nods her head, "Yes! I'll love that! Thank you, mommy, I love you!" She beamed and the woman laughed.

"Awesome! Now go play and I'll call you and your sister down in a bit." 

She nodded hopping off the stool and skipping out the kitchen in a better. Later during dinner Tommy lets her know that they'll be going on a daddy and daughter trip after church. Delilah was very excited, and Courtney was happy for her sister that their parents are giving her their full attention finally and she's not going to ruin that for her.

Courtney has a feeling that a new season is about to begin.










God bless you :)

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