*Requested* Bulkhead x Femme 🍋⚠️

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If you are not comfortable with rape do NOT read!!!
You can't say I didn't warn ya.

*Quick A/N*
I am sorry for not updating lately but I've been really busy and I will get the other requests done as soon as I can! Thank you for understanding and please don't be afraid to request!



"Bulkhead I needed that!" I laughed as I watched Bulkhead dodge a wrench that Ratchet threw at him. The poor wrecker wasn't paying attention and knocked a data pad onto the floor causing it to break.

Ratchet looked at me and rolled his optics when he saw me laughing at him and Bulk, "(y/n) don't you have anything better to do that just sit there?"

I smiled and nodded, "I do but I was just enjoying the seen, doc." He growled and threw a wrench at me when I called him doc, I smiled as I dodged it and quickly hid behind Bulkhead, "save me from the doctor of doom Bulk!"

He chuckled, "come on now (y/n) quit picking at him, how about we go for a drive?" I smirked, "I bet I'll beat you in a race." He laughed and we quickly transformed and sped out of base.

Time skip

We stopped when we got to a cliff and transformed. I looked over at him and smiled, "come on, let's sit down for a bit." We went to the edge and sat down, the sun was just beginning to set as we sat there in silence.

I looked over at Bulkhead and smiled and then looked back to watch the sunset, "it's beautiful don't you think?" He smiled at me and nodded, "it is."

Just then we got a call from base and I quickly answered Ratchet was on the other end, "(y/n) send me your coordinates, we need you and Bulkhead at a energon mine, Optimus and the others were ambushed."

I quickly gave him my coordinates and me and Bulk charged through the ground bridge. We immediately started to fight as we made our way through the mine to the team. "Bulkhead, (y/n) wait! It's a trap!" Bulkhead immediately stopped while I didn't have time to.

I tripped and suddenly there was an agonizing pain going through my body, I let out a shriek of pain as a large electrical shock tore through my frame.

"(Y/n)!" I whimpered and tried to reach out to Bulkhead before I lost consciousness.

Time skip

I slowly woke up to be filled with dread. The first thing I saw when I woke up was Megatron standing in front of me.

"Well it seems as though you've finally decided to join us." I tried to move but realized I was hanging with chains wrapped around my arms.

"What do you want with me Megatron." He smirked and walked around me and stopped behind me and started to stroke my sides, "all I want is the location of the Autobot base." I growled and tried to get away from him, "no matter how hard you struggle you not getting out of these chains dear."

"I'll never tell you were the base is." I growled and started to freak out when he started trying to rip my interface panel off, "n-no please!"

He just laughed and continued.

Autobot Base
Bulkhead POV

"We have to get her back!" Optimus looked at me and laid a servo on my shoulder, "we're trying everything we can, I know how you feel about (y/n) and we won't stop at anything to get her back."

I just looked down and let the tears fall, they didn't understand how much she means to me, Wheeljack sat down beside me and laid a servo on my shoulder, "come on Bulk we all know how strong (y/n) is she'll be okay, we'll get her back."

"That's not it Wheeljack! The femme I love is with that- that tyrant!" Everyone stopped and stared at me and Arcee walked up to me.

"You love (y/n)?" I nodded and then she turned to Ratchet, "as soon as you get those coordinates send me through." They all looked at her but she turned back to Bulkhead, "I'm gonna get her back for you even if it kills me, she's my best friend and I just found out that the mech she loves loves her back."

My optics widened but we all looked back at Ratchet when we heard him let out a breath of relief, "I've got the coordinates."

We all got up and raced through the bridge. On the other side there was a whole bunch of vehicons waiting, we all started to kill them and made our way to the brig.

As we got closer we started to hear (y/n) screaming in pain, "no please stop!" I bursted in to see Megatron raping (y/n). Optimus immediately tackled him and sent him flying.

(Y/n) POV

I was screaming as the mech tortured me, "no please stop!" He chuckled as he thrusted his spike into my valve making me scream.

All I felt was pain as he forced his spike into my dry valve and immediately started to thrust after breaking my seal, I didn't want my first time to be like this. I looked up and saw the whole team barging in, Optimus tackled Megatron making him pull out of me harshly, I cried out.

Ratchet ran up and quickly got me down but I let out another pain filled scream I had energon pouring out of multiple wounds, I felt myself slowly drifting off. Ratchet called Bulkhead over as I started to pass out, "no stay awake!"

The wrecker quickly ran up as Ratchet snapped my valve cover back on and picked me up after I lost consciousness the team quickly ran through the ground bridge back to base.

Time skip

I woke up to see that I was in the med bay, I saw Ratchet standing at the computers with Optimus and weakly called out, "w-where's Bulkhead?" They both turned and Ratchet quickly raced out of the med bay to get Bulkhead.

Optimus walked over and pulled me into a hug, "I'm sorry for not finding you sooner (y/n)." I looked at him as a few tears rolled down my face, "it's okay Optimus."

"(Y/n)!" I look up to see Bulkhead and I quickly reached out to him, "Bulk!"

He pulled me into a hug and the others left the room, "why did the others leave?" Bulkhead looked at me and suddenly looked nervous, "I wanted to tell you something."

I laid a servo on the side of his face and smiled, "then tell me you goof ball." He smiled and nuzzled into my servo, "I love you (y/n) more than you'll ever know and I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you."

I gasped and smiled softly, "I love you too." He then pulled me into a kiss.

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