1 "I promise"

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It was a picture perfect sunny day, the kind that begged to be spend outdoors. 16 year old Ezra ushered his 7 year old brother Eden out into the open leading outside of their hideaway cave, a mischievous grin displayed itself onto his face.

"Race you to the wooden swing!". Ezra called, already sprinting ahead before flying from above ground. Eden's peals of laughter echoed from behind him as he pumped his short legs to keep up. "Hey that's cheating!" The ladder shouted.

After Ezra's landing the brothers took turns soaring through the air on the wooden swing, playfully shoving and taunting each other.

For this fleeting moment the world beyond the fence post's that they once build to keep the humans away didn't exist. There was only the blur of green grass, the creak of the swing and the unbreakable bond between the two cherishing each moment attentively.

If only eden had known this carefree afternoon would be his last. As the brothers continued to laugh and play on the swing an unfamiliar coach with reverberating horses stopped on the other side of the gate.

Two somber faced knights in surcoats and armor approached the boys. "oh my....". The king who was once barricaded by the knights divulged out into the opening with a look of allure.

Ezra paused, a sense of unease creeping up his spine before turning around slowly facing the suspects.

"What magnificent creatures you are~". His attempt to reach out failed before getting pushed back.

There stood Ezra with Eden hidden behind his back as he gripped the swing ropes tighter. Ezra tried to stay strong for his younger brother so without a second thought like lightning he grabbed Eden before rushing back over into their hideaway.

"Quick, Seize them!". Wasting no time the knights obeyed their master before beginning to make their way closer and closer nearly approaching the brothers.

As Ezra's breath quickened he looked over his shoulder with a glimpse of the knights on their tails, he turned his gaze back to his younger brother. "Let's fly, Eden on my back now!" He pressured as Eden quickly swaddled his little legs and arms around his brother's neck and torso.

As Ezra was about to take off into the sky one of the knights got ahold of  Eden's ankle causing him to fall  severely head first into the dirt. Ezra jerked forward at the sight.

"EDEN!". He shouted lowering himself into the ground. As he tried to get ahold of his younger brother he got stopped by the knights hauling him back. "What are you doing?! Let him go! He's done nothing wrong are you mental?! That's a FUCKING CHILD YOUR TOUCHING!".

Ezra tried fighting against the knights grip but struggled many times over. He gazed up at the king in fury watching him engulf the young one into his arms. Eden began to sob perpetually.

"This one's mine". The king stared down at the little one as Eden glimpsed up in terror. "Let's go boys!". He turned making his way back into to his coach.

"STOP!! NO!". Ezra finally broke free from their grasp before flying downwards with vigorous speed to the king. The king made a hand signal to the knights as they recognized the calling.

With the swift of motion one of the knights pulled out a bow and arrow from off of their backs aiming it directly into Ezra's wing. At the sudden sensation Ezra fell down from above now meeting face first into the soil.

"Ok now that's out of the way, boys chop! Chop! We got work to do as soon as we get back to the castle". He ushered the knights away.

Ezra hissed in pain as blood begin to ooze its way out of his wing into the ground staining what was once green, to red. After being unwary of the situation because of the insufferable pain, his eyes widened with horror as the realization sank in.

"Fuck!". He groaned before glancing back up at his younger brother once more. He attempted in calling his name but failed miserably from how nauseating the bow and arrow felt throughout his wing following with the dripping of his own blood.

"Ezra!". Taking from out of his trance of lost hope he stared back at his brother tearfully. Ezra didn't know what to do at that moment because of the pain he was feeling but as the coach moved further and further away he just knew that when that day, week, or month comes when he gets the chance........

He will seek revenge and get his Eden back.....and that's a promise he'll never forsaken.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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