Part 6

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It's a Tuesday and every Tuesday Lucy goes out to a bar. Just to get out of the house and occasionally she will bring someone home.

She pulls up to the bar and goes inside.

She sits where she usually sits and orders her usual.

"Here you go babe." The bar tender says

"Thanks dave don't call me babe." Lucy says

"Oooo she's fisty today." Dave says

"Yeah i'm not in the mood today." Lucy says

"Well in that case that guy over there has been eyeing you all night. Maybe what you need." Dave says pointing at the guys playing darts.

"Yeah thanks i might take you up on that." Lucy says downing her drink in one sitting.

"Damn she really ain't playin today." Dave says smiling.

"Don't push it." Lucy says paying her tab and walking to the guy.

"why hello." The guy says

"Hey i'm Lucy." Lucy says

"Jake." the guys says

"Well Jake what do you say we get out of here? My place?" Lucy says

"straight up huh? i like it sure." Jake says

"your not a serial killer are you?" Jake asks

"No of course not are you?" Lucy asks

"No just plan to kill your legs tho." He says

"Oh we shall see about that." Lucy says smirking.

They drive to Lucy's house and they get out Lucy walks over to him and starts kissing him.

They kiss for a minute then walk to the door.
Lucy unlocks the door and makes sure Jackson isn't there.

He wasn't so she sneaks him up to her room.

"Anyone gonna hear us or something?" Jake asks

"No of course not just don't want people knowing who or what my business is." Lucy says

"Well why have roommates then?" Jake asks

"You come here to hear my life story or to have some fun?" Lucy says ignoring his question

"Fun of course." Jake says

"Ok let's go." Lucy says

They go to Lucy room and lock the door.

She pins Jake to the wall and the start making out and things get heated quick and Lucy feel the bulge on her stomach from Jake.

"Can't wait can you?"Lucy says looking down.

"For you of course not." Jake says breathlessly.

"You have a condom?" Lucy asks

"Yep right here." Jake says pulling it out.

"Ok we'll put it on." Lucy says

He put it on and they do it for a little bit and fall asleep.

The next morning Lucy wakes up to her alarm and a pounding headache and Jake in her bed.

She remembers and just gets ready for work.

When she's done she throws a pillow at Jake to wake him up.

"Hey get up you got to go."Lucy says

"I'm up." Jake says.

"Good now come on i'll drive you home real quick." Lucy says

"Ok. So no number?" Jake asks

"I don't do relationships." Lucy says

"That's a shame." Jake says

"Yeah yeah whatever." Lucy says

They walk out of her room and to the kitchen where the see Jackson.

"What are you doing up so early?" Lucy asks

"I would ask you that but i see now." Jackson says and he laughs a bit.

"Whatever i'm headed out see you at work." Lucy says

"Ok later." Jackson says

They walk out to the car and drive to his house.

"So is that why you don't do relationships?" Jake asks

"What do you mean?" Lucy asks

"That guy he your boyfriend or something?" Jake asks

"You think my boyfriend would be ok with me having another guy sleep over let alone have sex." Lucy asks

"He's just my roommate and it was his first day." Lucy says

"Ok my bad uhh just turn on this street and we are there." Jake says

"Ok we are here maybe i'll see you around." Lucy says

"Gosh i hope so." Jake says

After Lucy drops him off she head to the station

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