Beyond the flour and cupcakes

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The doorbell chimed, a jarring note in Nadia's quiet Sunday morning. She peeked through the lace curtain that she had thrifted a year ago, her heart sinking at the sight of Elina's fiery red curls bouncing on the porch.
Elina, her extroverted best friend, was a whirlwind of color and uncontainable energy, the exact opposite of Nadia who preferred the calming rhythm of her flour-dusted kitchen. Sometimes she wonders how both of them have remained friends for this long.
Nadia debated ignoring the doorbell. Elina, however, was persistent. Three rings turned into a rhythmic barrage, accompanied by a muffled, "Nadia, you in there? Open up! Nadia"
With a sigh, Nadia unlocked the door. Elina barged in, a wide grin plastered on her face. "There you are! Hiding from the world as usual?"
Nadia forced a smile. "Just enjoying my day off. Me, my bed and my book. What brings you by? Why are you all dressed up?"
Elina's grin widened further. "Guess what? There's a huge party at Sarah's tonight! Everyone's going to be there. You have to come!"
Nadia's stomach lurched. Parties were Elina's domain, a chaotic mix of loud music, flashing lights, and an overwhelming number of people. On the contrary, it made Nadia nauseous. She preferred the company of her sourdough starter to a room full of strangers.
"Oh, I don't think—" Nadia began, but Elina cut her off.
"Don't even think about saying no! You haven't been out in ages. It'll be good for you!" Elina grabbed Nadia's hands, her enthusiasm infectious.
Nadia tried to pull away gently. "Elina, you know I'm not a party person."
Elina's smile softened. "Exactly! That's why you need to come. Step outside your comfort zone for a bit. Live a little!"
Nadia looked down at her flour-dusted apron, a symbol of her comfort zone. She was experimenting with new recipes for the bakery.
The thought of loud music and flashing lights made her want to crawl back into bed. Yet, a flicker of guilt sparked within her. Elina was always there for her, dragging her out of baking marathons and into the occasional movie night. Maybe it was time she returned the favor.
It is also going to help keep her find of the letter. Because she can't get the thing off her mind no matter how much she wants to.
"Alright," Nadia finally conceded. "But only for a bit."
Elina's eyes lit up. "That's the spirit! I knew you wouldn't disappoint. Now, go get changed. We're going to be fashionably late, of course." Elina winked before dashing towards the kitchen, rummaging through a basket of scarves Nadia kept for visiting guests.
Nadia watched her go, a small smile playing on her lips. Parties might not be her cup of tea, but spending time with Elina, was always a recipe for an adventure, even if it meant stepping a little outside her comfort zone.
She went to her room to pick an outfit. Despair settled in Nadia's stomach as she surveyed the meager contents of her closet. Elina's request for a "party-worthy" outfit felt like a foreign language.
A couple of well-loved t-shirts, faded jeans – these were the tools of her trade, the uniform of a baker comfortable in her flour-dusted haven. Just as she was about to concede defeat, a whisper of fabric snagged her eye. Tucked away in a corner, almost hidden, hung a dress.
It wasn't hers. A sea of sapphire blue, the silk shimmered with a life of its own. Her mother's favorite color. Memories flooded back – her mother, radiant in this very dress, a laugh line crinkling by her eye.
A pang of grief hit Nadia, but it was quickly followed by a surge of warmth. Maybe, just maybe, this dress held the key to a different kind of evening. Not just a night out, but a connection, a way to carry a piece of her mother with her. With trembling hands, she lifted the dress, a silent promise forming on her lips. Tonight, she wouldn't just step outside her comfort zone, she'd wear a piece of her heart.
Elina bounced impatiently in Nadia's living room, tapping her foot against the worn floorboards. "So, are you almost done? Sarah's party is already in full swing, and you know it gets wilder by the hour!"
Nadia peeked out from behind the bedroom door, a sliver of emerald peeking through. She took a deep breath, suddenly feeling a flutter of nerves. This wasn't her usual pre-baking jitters, but something entirely different.
"Just a minute," she called back, her voice barely above a whisper.
Finally, with a final tug at the unfamiliar dress, Nadia threw open the door. Elina's mouth hung open, a look of pure astonishment replacing her usual impatience.
"Nadia?" Elina breathed, her voice devoid of its usual teasing lilt. "You look wow."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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