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Author's Pov:

reaching to the stage Jimin gave y/n's hand to Tae and spoke

Jimin: if you dare to hurt her, I will forget that Iam your best friend and break your bones

laughing to the sentence, he spoke

Tae: I will treat her as my queen, I promise

Jimin: you better keep it

he said seriously and suddenly hugged him and spoke

Jimin: congratulations

Tae: thankyou

with that Jimin went and stood beside Hyejin and Tae helped y/n to come on stage and stood opposite to each other

Priest: shall we start

Tae: hmm

Priest: Do you Kim Taehyung take Lee Y/n as your wife to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health to love and cherish, till death apart you

Taehyung: I, Kim Taehyung, take you, Lee y/n to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death apart us, according to God's holy law, this is my solemn vow

Priest: Do you Lee y/n take Kim Taehyung as your husband to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health to love and cherish, till death apart you

Y/n: I, Lee y/n, take you, Kim Taehyung to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness, and in health, to love and to cherish, till death apart us, according to God's holy law, this is my solemn vow

Priest: now I pronounce you as husband and wife. You may exchange the rings

With that they exchanged their rings

Their rings

Preist: you may kiss the bride

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Preist: you may kiss the bride

 with that Tae went forward and kissed y/n on her lips and they heard claps and cheering sounds and after few seconds, he broke the kiss and spoke

Tae: I love you cupcake

Y/n: I love you too my baby bear

seeing this Hyejin's eyes became glossy and soon some happy tears left from her eyes, Jimin noticed this and spoke

Jimin: feeling happy

Hyejin: very much

Jimin: me too

after that the fun part started, that to catch the bouquet, Jimin and Hyejin and some of y/n's collogues formed a line and y/n turned back and spoke

Y/n: ready 3...2...1

saying that she throwed her bouquet and it landed in Jimin's hand, and all are cheering for him and y/n turned to face him and spoke

Y/n: Oppa congratulations

Jimin: thankyou

saying that he went in front of Hyejin and kneel down and spoke

Jimin: Hyejin, in my life I don't have anyone expect Tae and now you, so please accept this and be my girlfriend and my wife. will you marry me Hyejin

listening to his words Hyejin's words got stuck in her throat and her eyes started to shed tears and saw y/n's side. y/n and Tae gave thumbs up to accept it and she again saw Jimin's face and nodded her head as yes. she accepted the Boquete and Jimin got up and they both hugged each other.

and everyone started cheering for the new couple and started saying kiss her, listening this Hyejin's cheeks got red and Jimin asked her

Jimin: may I?

nodding her head as yes, she spoke

Hyejin: before that promise me you will never flirt with other girls

Jimin: when did I flirt with other girls

Hyejin: I saw everything in the shopping mall that day, so don't lie

Jimin: ok, promise

Tae: I don't believe you

Jimin: you should, now don't interfere

Tae: ok, ok carry on

he said with a teasing look and y/n and Tae laughed together

with that Hyejin and Jimin Kissed each other


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