Part -19

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When he was going to kiss her, they heard a knock on the trail room which disturbed their moment, suddenly Hyejin came to her senses and pushed Jimin and adjusted her dress.


lady: yah!! are you planning to come out or not, ahh!! kids these days are so horrible making out everywhere

saying that she went away

hearing the words Hyejin's cheeks got red and tension between them grew more, breaking the silence Hyejin said

Hyejin: I shall get going now

saying that she started to open door, but Jimin said

Jimin: you wait here I will check if he is gone or not

Hyejin: hmm

with that Jimin went outside and checked everywhere and found no one suspicious, he came to the trail room and knocked on the door and Hyejin responded  

Jimin: come out I think he is gone

Hyejin: hmm

with that she came out

Jimin: did you came in the bus?

Hyejin: no cab

Jimin: if it is ok for you can I drop you home

Hyejin: why you want to drop me? I can go by myself Iam not a kid

Jimin: because he can follow you or do an attack on you, and you are not a kid you are mine, saving you is my responsibility.

he said the last part in her ears with his husky voice and Hyejin felt her legs going week hearing his voice

Jimin: shall we move

Hyejin: hmm

with that they exited the mall and came to the parking allot. Sitting in the car Jimin started driving

After an hour 

Jimin: so here you go, your house is here

Hyejin: umm thankyou

Jimin: and sorry for what I did in the trail room, I was just teasing you

Hyejin: umm it's ok and come inside

Jimin: yeah, shall we go

Hyejin: hmm

with that they started going towards her apartment. standing Infront of her house, she rang the doorbell, and after some time y/n came and opened the door

Y/n: oh! hi

Hyejin: hey

Jimin: hey y/n

Y/n: hi Jimin oppa

after the greetings, they all came inside, settling themselves on couch y/n said

Y/n: Hyejin where did you meet him?

Hyejin: in the mall

y/n: oh ok, but what are you doing with him

Jimin: actually, what happened means... 

before he could continue his sentence, the doorbell rang

Y/n: you wait here I will check and come

with that y/n went to check, opening the door she was greeted by a bone crashing hug sensing the perfume she smiled and said did my baby bear missed his cupcake, yes it's none other than Taehyung.

Tae: hmm, I missed you so much

Y/n: first come inside, by the way what is this in your hand

Tae: come I will tell you

with that he went to the hall and greeted by Jimin

Jimin: hey buddy come

Tae: Jimin what are you doing here

Jimin: come sit I will tell you

with that they all settled themselves on the couch

Y/n: oppa you are going to say something what is it?

Jimin: actually, we have been stalked

Tae: what are trying to tell?

Jimin: actually, I saw a stalker stalking Hyejin at the mall, I saved her from him

Y/n: Hyejin are you okay

she asked with concern and tears in her eyes 

Hyejin: Iam perfect sweety don't worry

Y/n: it is all because of because of me you all are suffering, I should have died that day ....

before she could continue Tae said

Tae: don't tell like that I can't live without 

Hyejin: yes, what happened now, we are safe naa, everything will be alright

saying that she hugged y/n 

Jimin: what is that in your hand Tae

Tae: I know this situation will come to any one of us someday that's why I bought this; he opened the bag he brought


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