🐙Azul ashengrotto x reader! (pomade)

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                  (baby, you need my love?)
                 (Sō sa don'na boku demo)
               (Kimi ni wa misetaku naru yo)
          (Boku rashikunai sono kotoba no imi)
                (Zenbu uketomete hoshī yo)

As you arrive at the classroom, you see Azul Ashengrotto writing something furiously on a piece of paper. He looks up and smiles at you, and you feel a tingle run down your spine.

You approach him and ask, "What are you working on?"
"Oh, it's just some research for our next potion class," he replies, handing you the paper.

As you start to read it, you can't help but feel amazed by the detail and precision in his writing. He must have spent hours working on it.

You can't help but feel a bit jealous of the way he is so easily able to absorb and process information. He is truly talented.

You realize that you have been staring at the paper for a while now, and he seems to be waiting for you to say something. You hesitate for a minute, but then you gather your courage and ask him if he would like to spend some time together.

"Of course! I would be delighted!," he exclaims, a bright smile on his face.

You smile back, feeling a warm, comfortable feeling in your chest. You know that this is the beginning of a wonderful friendship.

As you spend more time together, you begin to realize that Azul is not just the serious, reserved potions master that his exterior would suggest. He has a goofy, playful side to him too. The two of you spend hours laughing and joking around, having the time of your life.

One evening, you find yourself alone in the library, working on some research for your next potions class. Suddenly, you hear a voice behind you. "Need some help?" You turn to see Azul, who is standing a few feet away, holding a stack of books.
You nod, grateful for his help. As you work together, you find yourself feeling more and more comfortable around him. Before you know it, you're joking around, sharing funny stories and laughing until your sides ache.

Soon, you realize that your feelings for Azul are deeper than just friendship. You can't quite put your finger on it, but there's something about him that makes you feel alive, like anything is possible. You decide to tell him how you feel, and to your surprise, he feels the same way!

Over the next few weeks, your friendship blooms into something more. You two sneak away during lunch breaks to spend time together, holding hands and sharing stolen kisses in the hallways. You feel like you're living in a dream, and you can't believe how lucky you are to have Azul in your life.

With him by your side, you feel a sense of purpose and belonging that you've never experienced before. You know that no matter what the future holds, you'll always have one another to lean on, and that thought fills you with a sense of warmth and joy that you never want to let go of.

As your relationship deepens, you find yourself spending almost all of your time with Azul. You're each other's best friend, confidant and support system. You find that you have similar interests and values, and you can talk for hours about anything and everything. You start to feel like you've known Azul for your whole life.

One day, you decide to take your relationship to the next level and ask Azul out on a proper date. He accepts, and you spend the next few days planning the perfect evening. You choose a fancy restaurant and spend hours picking out the perfect outfit.

The night of the date arrives, and you're both nervous and excited. You meet outside the restaurant, and Azul looks incredible. The two of you chat and joke as you wait for a table, feeling like you've been friends for years.

Over dinner, you find that the conversation flows easily, and you feel like you're getting to know each other on a deeper level. You share stories about your pasts, your hopes and dreams, and you realize that you're more compatible than you knew.

As the night winds down, you take a walk along the waterfront, holding hands and sharing romantic glances. You both know that this is the start of something special, and you can't wait to see where it will lead. You spend the next few hours talking and getting to know each other even better.

As you part ways for the night, you feel a sense of contentment and happiness that you've never experienced before. You know that you've found someone who brings out the best in you, who accepts and supports you for who you are, and whom you can trust and lean on in good times and bad. You can't wait to see what the future holds, and you know that as long as Azul is by your side...

Anything is possible

(Words) 832

Another update! Yippie!

I don't know how I feel about this fic but anything works

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