8th year: Hermione

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Hermione spent too much time arguing with wizards and witches she had never met who thought they knew everything about her. She stared deadpan at Rita Skeeter until the 'journalist' was convinced to sing Hermione's praises in the Prophet, she argued with Professor McGonagall about writing her NEWTs (the old Professor wanted to honour-award them to her!!), and she found the time to support Harry. There was just so much to do.

She met with Harry and Ron. She did interviews, fought to shove her nose into Ministry business, and helped organise a committee on the Hogwarts board for Muggleborns and their parents to figure out the Muggle Studies curriculum. A foundation for an anti-discrimination law was created, as of yet broad and undefined, but it was the most inclusive the ministry had ever been.

It was late in July by the time she made it to brunch at Nott Manor.

"Do you reckon we're old enough to take naps?" Hermione sighed as she hugged Daphne in greeting, soot from the floo still covering her.

"Yes," Daphne said, "definitely old enough."

Theo wordlessly spelled them both free of soot before leaning in to kiss Hermione's cheek. "Do you want a tour of the house first, or shall we go to the garden to eat?"

The skulls over the fireplace cackled, teeth rattling, eyes glowing red like a fire was lit inside them.

Hermione did a double take. "With this charming decoration? Maybe some tea wouldn't be a bad idea."

"Is now a bad time to mention the library?" Blaise elbowed Daphne aside to hug Hermione, lifting her off her feet in the process.

Theo offered Hermione his arm and solemnly led her through the house, pointing out his ancestors' portraits – newly cursed to give compliments to anyone walking past and looking decidedly unhappy because of it – and making small talk on the decorations. Through the salon, they went out to the terrace and further into the garden, where the picnic-brunch was set up.

The garden was summer green, flowers blooming. There was an air of untamedness over it – the grass wasn't cut, weeds bloomed by the gravel footpaths, the trees were bushy and tall. The singing of birds made the garden feel like a meadow in the woods. The manor, from this side, was a mix between baroque windows and arches, and classicist columns. A winter garden connected to the house, and the walls were halfway covered by ivy.

"It's beautiful here," Hermione said, in awe of the summer green trees and blooming flowers. "And nothing tried to curse us."

"We had some time on our hands to do some renovations," Theo waved his hand. "I'm Lord Nott now, and I can do anything I want with the house. And I want less cursed furniture."

Hermione squeezed his hand. They'd written some letters, sure, but it was different to spend time with him again in person. To hear her friends laugh or to be able to reach over and throw an arm around someone's shoulders. It felt like coming home.

Brunch was a spread of scones, pastries, jams, bacon, mushrooms, strawberries, grapes, cheeses and apple slices. With an infinite supply of tea and cream.

Blaise cleared this throat delicately. "I'd say we have a good grasp and basic understanding of blood magic and necromancy – or, as much as possible without the rituals and murder."

"There's always room for improvement," Daphne added, "for example, more advanced mathematics would improve arithmancy and spell creation..."

Blaise smirked. "Yeah, yeah, numbers are sexy and all, but I read a mention of sex magic last week. Nothing else, though, and I'm not asking my mother for book recommendations on that."

" Sex magic?" Daphne yelled. "Sorry, Pansy was obsessed with it in second year, and I've successfully not thought about it since then!" She shuddered.

Theo considered it. "As a component to a ritual or as a ritual on its own, based in the theory of intent? To what end?"

"That's the question," Blaise shrugged, smirking. "We should find out. The theory, at least."

Hermione blushed. She wanted to groan and hide her face in her hands, but for science – uh, for magic – she couldn't help but turn the concept over in her mind. "Considering the theory of intent, sex could enhance various spells – protection, healing, or just pleasure."

Theo nodded. "And as a potion ingredient, human parts of fluids may be considered morally questionable, but polyjuice requires it. If feelings can be bottled, then..."

"I like the way you think," Blaise said, probably thinking of his potions experiments.

"Morgana, Nimue and Merlin," Daphne sighed. "Let's finish eating, and then move this to the library. There's got to be something."

There was nothing. An obscure book on poisons mentioned body parts as ingredients, and a footnote in a book on blood magic rituals mentioned that diverse bodily fluids could theoretically be used as a substitute of blood. Nothing specific, and nothing Hermione actually wanted to try.

"Maybe we can write Pansy about it," Hermione said when she had explored the Nott library and noted some collections she would need to read when she had time for it.

Daphne groaned. "Let's not ask Pansy anything, please. When we're in Hogwarts, we'll check the restricted section and the Black library books we have stashed there."

" Or," Theo said slowly, "we bribe someone to check out Knockturn Alley?"

" Alternatively," Hermione interrupted, "I will bribe someone, so nothing can be traced back to you three. Probation, remember?"

Theo and Daphne winced.

Blaise sighed. "Before you do something dumb, I can just ask my mum. It's fine. She gave me the sex talk once, it can't be more embarrassing than that."

Hermione shook her head. Truth be told, her head felt heavy and she had trouble focusing on the old, dusty pages in front of her. "Well, we won't get anywhere today. Can I have that house tour now, and then we go take that promised nap?"

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