8th year: Blaise

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Blaise was going to die.

He liked to think he was in tune with his emotions. Usually, at least. Unlike his friends, obviously, because Hermione and Theo were of the absurd opinion that their biggest problem this year was homework. Homework! Blaise wanted to set something on fire.

Unlike Theo and Daphne, Blaise had done all his homework last year, and it just wasn't that big of a deal (more of an annoyance). But he'd signed up for another year of school, accepting the gossip of his extended family and his mum's knowing smirk. However. There was no way he could have foreseen Daphne's deep dive into Muggle fashion.

So, in conclusion: Daphne was hot. Cause #1 of death.

Daphne also seemed to be in touch with her emotions – unlike some people, cough, Hermione, cough, Theo – judging by her knowing smirk whenever Blaise ineffectively and hopelessly flirted with Hermione. Meanwhile Hermione seemed to think it was all to make Draco do undignified noises and make his face turn fun colours.

The first weekend back in Hogwarts was a sunny one, so naturally half the student body went down to the lake. Seeing a shirtless Theo lift up Hermione, carry her up a path on one of the bigger rocks lining the lake, only to throw her into the water while she was laughing –

Theo had commissioned a Muggle artist to tattoo his back in summer. Cause #2 of death.

Theo jumped into the water after her, muscles flexing under the tattoo.

Hermione resurfaced, hair plastered to her face, smiling brighter than the sun, wet clothes and all. Cause #3 of death.

"You good?" Daphne asked him. She smirked like she knew things.

Blaise didn't feel like voicing the obvious. "What's it like, sleeping in the same room as Hermione Granger?"

Daphne predictably blushed, finished taking off her clothes, and waded into the lake in her bikini without acknowledging Blaise's existence. Did he mention she was hot? Yeah? She was really hot.

With a soundless sigh, Blaise dropped his shirt and followed his friends into the water.

Once upon a time he had smelled Amortentia and thought friendship – now, he knew his own self. But he was still petty, and they were his best friends, so he wandlessly made Daphne trip and go underwater.

He'd have to think of a way to get out of this situation. But that could wait. First, he needed to win this water fight.

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