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Sneaking into the front office is one of the last things I imagined myself doing at Eralyn. But according to Graysen, Thursday afternoon is the day when all the administrative staff and teachers have a conference together and discuss things for the school year. Every time Graysen, Brooklyn, and the two other office aids have worked on stuff, no one has come in and disturbed them.

"It's the prime time to get what you need," Graysen assured us.

As soon as the bell rings, I hurry from my enhanced sense class, down the hallways and down the stairs to the foyer. Students swarm down the stairs, but from above, I spot Graysen and Zoe already waiting by the auditorium doors.

Of all the meeting places, the one place literally everyone can see us. I force calm, steady breaths to fill my lungs. My feet carry me through the crowd, pushing past all the students blocking and crossing my path.

"We're just waiting for Brooklyn," Graysen says when I approach. "But she should be here soon."

I nod, my fingers rubbing my jeweled phone case. I could use a lavender diffuser right about now.

Brooklyn pushes through the crowd. Her blue backpack dwarfs her bony frame, with the straps set wider apart than her shoulders. It hangs awkwardly off of her as a result.

"Graysen's filled you in?" Zoe asks. I'm not sure why; Graysen told us today that Brooklyn is on board.

Brooklyn nods. "Let's do this." There's an excited glint in her eyes that I haven't seen before, and a slight smirk on her lips. This is the most interested I've seen her in anything since... well, since forever.

We make our way to the front office. It's on the opposite side of the foyer, away from the carpool lane and visitor and student parking lot, which is the entrance I usually enter and exit from. Teachers and admin in suits, ties, and heels stalk from the door to the front office. They all head en mass to the Auditorium. It's like the students and staff have switched places; we're in the front office while they're having their assembly.

"We'll wait here," Zoe whispers, nodding to a bench not too far away. Graysen nods, then she and Brooklyn enter the front office.

Fifteen minutes later, and several algebra homework problems later, the hallways are finally cleared. A few students still roam the halls or quickly walk by. The heavy auditorium doors close with several bangs, and I hear the principal's voice boom over a microphone.

"Good afternoon."

That's Zoe and my cue. I shove my computer and spiral back into my backpack and scurry over to the front office. I stand on my toes to see into the rectangular window on the door. Graysen cracks the door a moment later.

"The other office aids are cleaning the other rooms. You have just enough time to sneak into the principal's office. Brooklyn's already there," she whispers.

My eyes roam the ceiling as we walk to the office, then snag on a black box on the ceiling.

"Shoot," I breathe. "Security footage."

Brooklyn pops her head out the wooden office door. "Already taken care of. I deleted the footage from when I entered and suspended the cameras temporarily. They'll turn back on in twenty minutes."

"Wow, how are you so good?" Zoe says.

Brooklyn shrugs. "Enhanced sense helps."

She types a login on the computer. The computer logs in, displaying hundreds of tiny square files on the screen. "You can read through them. I'll be cleaning in the other room. Let me know if you need anything."

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