Chapter 2

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Just hearing those soft, and comfortable laughter, was enough to hurt Tommy in the heart

Knowing his family will never in a slightest laugh with him, it's always against him

Tommy layed down on his bed, his room was dark and messy, he didn't have time to clean up, he was always a bit too tired or just lazy

The aftermath of that, Tommy getting scolded and being called 'An accident' or 'A mistake'

Tommy took this to heart, and it never fails to make him quietly sob and cry on his room, when his door slammed closed

Tommy hated it, if they didn't have time for Tommy, Tommy didn't have time for them

Tommy was like a tarantula, he will attack if he feels threatened, but as soon as you know him, he's a fragile kid, who was part of a broken family.


Tommy groggily woke up, sitting up on his messy bed, his hair pointing in every direction

He was exhausted, he stood up and went to the bathroom, started brushing his teeth, and brushed his hair
(No bath scene)

He stepped outside his room, seeing the empty hallway, he made his way to the front door, letting his wings breath once he was outside

He deeply inhaled the fresh air, as he sighed, walking towards a nearby tree to sit down on

His back was resting on the trunk of the tree, he closed his eyes for a bit, just to relax

He heard rustling on the leaves, as a leaf landed on is noe, Tommy grumbled a bit and opened his eyes

Looking at the tree leaves, then

“Boo.” A male voice said, a horrible attempt to scare Tommy, as Tommy looked at the guy, squinting his eyes

Holy shit.

Holy fucking shit!!

It's Purpled! His best friend!

Tommy smiled like an idiot, as he stood up, Purpled jumped out from the branch, Tommy forgot that Purpled was taller then him

“Purpled?! How are you here?”
Tommy exclaimed as he looked at the taller teen, how was he here? We're is Haven.

“Haven helped me, although she didn't want to come since, she was moving away.” Purpled bluntly said as Tommy frowned

“Awh, shucks, but, why did you want to see me again.?” Tommy asked, seemingly confused that someone actually wanted to see him

“Your my best friend.. of course I want to see you.” Purpled dead panned, his neutral face tugging into a frown

Tommy felt a pang on his chest, as he felt warmth blooming on his stomach
“You actually wanted to see me..?”
Tommy hesitated

Purpled looked at Tommy as if he was crazy “Of course Tommy, it wouldn't be so fair, before you visited us multiple times, so I guess I'll repay that.” Purpled said, with a smile

Tommy never felt this before, his head is going crazy, he started to tear up, as Purpled had a concerned look on his face

In an instant, Purpled hugged Tommy, Tommy didn't bother pushing back, instead he hugged Purpled back, sobbing onto his shoulders

Purpled rubbed circles around Tommy's back “Its alright Tommy..”
He reassured, as Tommy deepend the hug
“Let it all out.”


I wanted this to be dramatic af but my hands are tired because I'm lifting it up. This chapter sucks and btw platonic Purpledinnit? Angst and fluffy? Hrmmmm 🤨🤨

Words: 562

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