⁰ Prologue

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"FATHER! PLEASE reconsider that marriage is a long way for me, your heiress!"

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"FATHER! PLEASE reconsider that marriage is a long way for me, your heiress!"

A voice that was once filled with such gentleness and delicate tone echoes throughout the second floor of the estate. Each day, she pleaded with her father to not set her out on the blind date with any nobleman out of pure desperation, worried that his precious daughter wouldn't survive a day in the world of nobility. But then, even a fragile flower still has its own thorns.

"Long way?" Her father uttered out. "[name], you are in the legal age of getting married. You need to find someone soon, someone in the field of being worthy to be your husband." He stated while looking out the window, the waves of Fontaine calming hit the barrier of the island.

[name] stares at her father, dumbfounded at the words he spoke. "But father! Why need some greedy men," she rolled her eyes once she said 'greedy'. "When I can handle it perfectly on my own!" She proclaimed. "Do you not have trust in me again?"

Her father sighed, refusing to let out a clear answer. "We shall travel to Natlan, [name]. Let us see if you might find someone there who is honorable enough to be your husband. This is your last chance, [name]."

And by that, the young noble lady didn't utter a single word against her own father; for she knew that no amount of pleading would never change his mind. This is the final decision that he made, and if our dear [name] hasn't found someone in Natlan then she already knows her fate.

"Excuse me," [name] walked out of the room, going to the garden back in the estate on the first floor.

"I assume your father didn't let you rule the clan alone."

A maid, taller than her glances at the heiress. "What shall you do now, lady [l/n]?" She asked. [name] let out a small chuckle, a devastated sigh escapes from her lips. "Run away perhaps?" She replied; in return, the maid laughed at her lady's response. "You wouldn't do that. You love this clan more than ever, even though you're annoyed by the rules."

"Hm," [name] hummed. "Say if I ever find the man of my dreams, what would you do?" She suddenly asked, staring at the weakened state of a pink rose. "I would be surprised," she muttered. "You have grown into an independent woman that you hardly need a man." She answered. [name] watched as the maid took care of the flowers, her face could get rid of any emotions but her eyes couldn't. A conflicted gaze landed on the waters, a soft breeze went through her hair. "Is that so?" [name] chuckled. "It's hard to believe that coming from you, Alette."

Alette chuckled, a soft expression on her face. "If I may, why do you ask about my opinion, lady [l/n]?" She questioned. "You have taken care of me since I was an infant." [name] smiled, "it's natural that I question your judgment. After all, you are like a second mother to me." She uttered.

"Am I?"

[name] nodded.

"You're too sweet for your own good, My Lady."

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