3 days have gone by and no sign of iain, apparently Roxanne came with him nobody noticed that though the hopes of the group started to dwindle
(Norris pov)
It was breaks time, and we all sat at the same table "You know I'm starting too think that iain and Roxanne never cared about us and just left fir themselves " skyler said not touching his food I spoke up "Yeah your right like I'd imaging they would be here by now" we all continued in useless conversation until it was time for yard time, we all walked out and sat in a circle somewhere
"So what's our plan if they do come back?"
Kenny asks sighing , muigel answered "Honestly I don't know Iain would probably have a great plan bit he's not here so I dunno""I don't think they're gonna come should we just try and escape on our own?" I said looking at the extra guards posted about
"No it's too risky plus what if they do come and we aren't here?" I look over at Bowie nodding "yeah makes sense"
"Who would have thought iain abandons us huh" Kenny looks kinda pissed at that "I know Roxanne too?!" Persephone chimes in ,
...night time...
(Norris pov)
I laid in my bed staring at the ceiling I turn over to go to sleep "Hey Bowie good night I love you " "I love you too Norris"
239 words