Core Memories

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Inside the Classroom, Riley sits and wipes her tears. As everyone either stares or faces forward. Riley seemed out of it.

"Thank you, Riley." The teacher thanked her, "I know it can be tough moving to a new place, but we're happy to have you here." She smiled softly before continuing, "Alright everyone, get out your history books and turn to chapter seven." Riley hides behind her book.


"Can I say that curse word now?" Anger asked as the three remaining emotions stared dumbfounded at what just occurred.


In the tube, (Y/N), Joy and Sadness scream as they rocket down the tube. Joy desperately tries to hold on to the joyful core memories while (Y/N) tightly held onto hers. The blue core memory is sorted to a side tube. As at the end of the tube, Joy lands in a bin of memories. Sadness crashes next to him as (Y/N) lands on her feet beside the bin, somehow.

Joy quickly looked around, "Oh no..." He started gathering the joyful core memories, "One, two, three... okay, got 'em." Joy finally took a moment to look around, "...Wha–"

"Um...Joy...Where are we?" (Y/N) asked as she looked behind her at Joy.

Joy takes in the shelving around them, "Long-Term Memory...!" Joy grabs the core memories and jumps out of the dumpster.

(Y/N) sees Goofball Island, silent and dark, "Goofball Island." She gets worried as she holds the love core memories close.

Joy surveys the islands beyond. They're all dark.

"Hoh... Riley's Islands of Personality. They're ALL down! This is bad." Sadness gets out as well, seeming worried.

"We...we can fix this." Joy smiled, "We just have to get back to Headquarters, plug the core memories in, and Riley will be back to normal." (Y/N), Joy and Sadness hurry towards headquarters.

As they walk, Sadness speaks, "Riley has no core memories, no personality islands and no–" She gasps, stopping both Joy and (Y/N).

"Wha-- What is it?" Joy asked.

"You Two! YOU TWO are not in headquarters. Without you, Riley can't be happy...or feel love!" Sadness exclaimed, "We gotta get you back up there."

Joy and (Y/N) exchange knowing glances and nod, "We're coming, Riley." Joy yelled as they set off across the bridge to Goofball Island.

We see the lightline beyond it, leading towards Headquarters.


Back with Riley and her family, Riley and her parents eat dinner.

"So as it turns out the green trash can is not recycling, it's for greens." Mom said, "Like compost. And eggshells."

Dad was not really listening but nodded, "Mmm."

"And the blue one is recycling. And the black one is trash." Mom smiled as Riley pushed food around on her plate.


Inside of headquarters, Disgust turned from the window as Anger and Fear stared at the islands.

"Riley is acting so weird." Disgust points out, "Why is she acting so weird?"

"What do you expect? All the islands are down." Anger yelled.

"Joy and (Y/N) would know what to do..." Disgust sighed.

Fear smiled with an idea in mind, "That's it! Until they get back, we just do what Joy and (Y/N) would do!" Fear seemed excited about his idea.

"Great idea! Anger, Fear, Disgust." She rolled her eyes, "How are WE supposed to be happy?" Disgust yelled.

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