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If I told you that i killed a man with a glance, would you wait to hear the rest? The why, the how, what happened next? Or would you runaway from me and never look back?

But I know you, I know you won't leave. I know you'll wait to hear the rest, to listen to my story.. the story of how I became a monster.

So let me start with this instead.

Once upon a time in the land of Ancient Greece, there was once a mortal woman whose beauty surpassed all others.

Her name was Medusa.

Her beauty outshone even the brightest stars in the sky. With eyes that gleamed like precious jewels and long, golden hair that fell down her back like a river of gold, she was the very embodiment of perfection.

But Medusa wasn't just beautiful, she was a devoted priestess to Athena, the goddess of wisdom.

One fateful day, as Medusa was worshiping in Athena's temple, tragedy befell her.

Medusa was ambushed and violated by Poseidon, the god of the sea. Overwhelmed by his desires, Poseidon sought to claim Medusa by force.

When he came for her, she was rendered utterly powerless, imprisoned in the grip of his relentless and oppressive actions.

Her cries echoed through the sacred temple, but no help came.

Throughout the night, Medusa was beaten, defiled, and degraded by the god, his relentless assaults leaving her broken and scarred.

Poseidon vanished after the act leaving Medusa in a state of dispare.

She ran to Athena's temple thinking the goddess would protect her.

She didn't.

The goddess made sure no one would ever want Medusa again, turning her into a mottled mirror, a body of unusual flesh, a hideous monster.

When Medusa left the temple, the transformation was immediate and horrifying. Villagers who had once admired her beauty screamed in terror.

They screamed calling her a monsters all the while throwing rocks at her. Medusa stumbled away from the temple, every harsh word pierced her like a dagger, each accusation a fresh wound. "Monster!" "Abomination!" "Stay away!"

She clutched at her chest, gasping for air, the world spun around her in a dizzying whirlpool of sound and fury. She felt trapped, suffocated, she ran away as her vision began to blur with tears.

And those unfortunate enough to meet her gaze were instantly turned to stone, their faces frozen in expressions of shock and despair.

With tears streaming down her face, she fled to an island, seeking solitude and peace amidst the crashing waves and rocky shores.

Alone, she built a humble sanctuary where she continued to worship Athena every day, her prayers filled with sorrow and regret. With each whispered plea, she begged for forgiveness, hoping that one day the goddess would relent and lift the curse that had twisted her into a monster.

Days turned into months, and months into years, but the weight of her guilt never lifted.

And so, each night beneath the starlit sky, Medusa wept silently for the life she had lost, for the pain she had caused, and for the forgiveness she so desperately sought.

But her story doesn't end here.

It continues with a girl, on the edge of a cliff, her strange hair blowing backwards in the wind. And a boy, down below, on his boat.

A boy, Medusa thought to herself and smiled.

For the first time in what felt like an eternity, her heart stirred with hope at the sight of another living soul. Isolation had been her only companion, and the prospect of speaking to someone after so long filled her with joy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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