Sunday's Sundae Sunday (Ft. Son Dae) [even Sunday needs some days]

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It was a normally a very average Sunday, lest for being the holy lords day. Although for Sunday, Sundays were the day of rest. The day started with Sunday's alarm of 8:00 AM, yet his cocoon-like sleeping bag prevented him from silencing it. While fumbling for the zipper, Sunday fell out of the bed, rattling the nightstand and dropping the alarm. It fell on its top, ceasing the morning wail.

Eventually finding his way out of the cocoon, Sunday rose, trudging to his closet. Opening it, he overviewed his entourage of outfits, all being quite the same. He never needs other appearances, so he bought multiples of all his clothes. Picking one out, Sunday moved to his living room. He sat upon his couch, but didn't turn on the television yet.

Sunday was hungry. This wasn't any ordinary hunger though. This was Sunday's Sunday Sundae hunger. Quickly, he shot up, joyfully prancing to the kitchen. With a wide smile and sparkles in his eyes, Sunday opened the freezer, and just as quickly froze himself. No ice cream. "How was this possible," Sunday asked himself. "There's always ice cream!" Sunday was frozen in thought, debating as to how he let this happen. He eventually decided on the freezer Aeons. They must've stolen his ice cream.

Eventually getting over the shocks of having no sundae base, Sunday closed the freezer. Brushing his teeth, taking his meds, and doing his business, Sunday grabbed his keys and left the house. He didn't need to do anything to his hair, as it's naturally Sunday-core. When stepping outside, he's greeted by his home, Penacony. After saying hello to his neighbors and weeding his Cecilia garden. Side note: Sunday has no idea what Cecilias are, just that a boy with a really wide, obnoxiously circular hat gave them to him one day.

Unfortunately for the future but fortunately for Sunday, even Penacony isn't immune to industrialization and capitalism. Due to this, there's a Walmart not too far from Sunday's house. Close enough to walk, actually. So, Sunday begins his voyage. Sunday, being the little creechure, is almost too jolly for his own good. Humming his favorite church carols, Sunday skipped to Walmart.

Arriving, Sunday entered through the "Home & Garden" side entrance, convinced it was closer to his destination. It was not. Yet, it also gave Sunday a good excuse to pick up some garden products he needed. Roaming around the gardening area, he grabbed a large bucket (he forgot a cart) and began to fill it. A watering pail, some gloves, some weed killer, all the nine yards. Eventually, with enough wandering, Sunday found the freezer aisle.

Daunting was the only word that could possibly describe the overwhelming ice cream section. It spread over 8 whole freezers. Every single flavour, from Blue Bunny vanilla, to Ben and Jerry's The Tonight Dough. "There is almost too many," contemplated Sunday. "How could I possibly choose?" Sunday sat in thought, not too dissimilar from when he had no ice cream, although now there's too much.

Sunday over thought about the desserts. While vanilla is the obvious go-to choice for any tasty treat, chocolate could be a good mix-up. But then there's also those new soft serve, easy to scoop and eat, but how would toppings fare? Does he even have toppings at home? He should get some- no no, this is about ice cream! Ben and Jerry's always has great flavours, but it's way too small for a signature Sunday Sunday Sundae. Good things there's other good flavors. But Sunday could always buy two Ben and Jerry's to have more.

Now that the choice to buy multiple was open, Sunday's choices multiplied. Almost the whole frozen treat aisle was open for purchase. Does he want milk based? Or maybe fruit based? Purely ice cream or mix-ins added? Those snack size ice creams on a stick are really good, but that's too much work to prepare. Does it even really matter what ice cream he gets? Does it matter if he has toppings? If he has a Sunday Sunday Sundae? Does anything truly matter in the end?

Before he fully breaks down Sunday comes to a decision. He would buy all the flavours. But now coming back to reality, he saw it was much later. It's now pretty much closing time. Grabbing all the ice cream, Sunday rushed to the front and slammed the items on the conveyor belt. "Sorry. Shifts over." Groaned the cashier. Sunday looked up and grinned gleefully as he saw Aventurine working the register. "Aventurine! I need you to scan my ice cream!" Sunday stated.

"Sorry, as I said, my shift is over Sunday." Retorted Aventurine.

"Aw, come on! Can't you stay for overtime? Please?"

"Fine, I can call over my boss to ask for overtime..." Aventurine begrudgingly agreed, calling his boss over for overtime. When the boss came over, he was a man in all red, for it was his favorite color. "Aventurine. What did you need?" Asked the red guy.

"Hey Son Dae. Sunday wants me to work overtime for him."  Aventurine explained.

"Sunday? My name is Sunday too! How nice!" Sunday exclaimed, excited for another Sunday.

"No, my name is Redd Dae. My father was Bleu Dae and my Uncle was Grine Dae. People called my dad Dae, so they're also calling me Son Dae. Anyways, you need to work overtime, Aventurine?" Son Dae elaborated, then asked.

"Yes, I need to work overtime." Sighed Aventurine.

"Okay, you can work overtime. Don't forget to close up." Agreed Son Dae, walking away. Aventurine began scanning Sunday's ice cream one by one. The whole process took awhile, but it was finished eventually. Aventurine looked up at Sunday, "That'll be 753.98 credit." Sunday took out his holy themed wallet, individually counting out 753.98 credit. It was really obnoxious.

After a long day, Sunday carried his numerous Walmart bags back home, humming similar church carols. Eventually, fumbling with his keys, he opened his house and set his ice cream down. Now, it was time to assemble the legendary Sunday Sunday Sundae. Getting a large bowl and his scooper, Sunday began to lay a scoop of each flavor along with chocolate sauce and some nuts. It was a masterful process, as this happens every Sunday.

After a hearty construction process, the Sunday Sunday Sundae was complete. Not even bothering to clean the mess, Sunday parades the Sunday Sunday Sundae over to his couch. Finally, after hours of trying, Sunday had finished his journey. But right before digging in, the front door opened. In came Sunday's roommate. None other than Aventurine, the cashier from Walmart. "Gods, I can't believe it's already Monday, that overtimes killing me." Aventurine said, exhausted.

Now worried for the authenticity of his Sunday Sunday Sundae, Sunday checked the time. 12:13 AM. Monday. This can't be right! You can't have a Sunday Monday Sundae! He spent so long thinking of how to make the sundae, he didn't think of when to make it! Now it's fruitless to enjoy this, as it's not authentic to the name. But there's always next beautiful Sunday to enjoy a big, famous Sunday Sunday Sundae.


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