1 - Unknown Numbers

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So today I was scrolling through Instagram and I came across a cute photo of my crush. I decided I was going to text him to tell him it was cute but as soon as I entered whatsapp there was a message from an unknown number. Being the curious person I am I opened it and it reads

*** - hey beautiful girl x

I had no clue what to do so I just left the message. I asked a few of my friends if they gave anyone my number or if they know someone who has my number that I don't know, but non of them knew. I started getting worried because someone could be stalking me and I wouldn't even know.

A couple of days later I get a new text but from a different number it says
xxx - hey there gorgeous ;)

I'm getting even more worried now because this stranger is giving other people my number. The next day I get a new text but from the first number

*** - why are you ignoring me baby I just want to talk x
Me - I don't even know who you are and don't call me 'baby'.
*** - do you know that really popular boy band that has those really hot boys in it. I think there called 5seconds of summer
Me - yeah I do know about them why are you asking?
*** - because I'm Luke Hemmings ;)
Me - whoever this is better stop playing games with me.
*** - FaceTime me I'll prove it
Me - no what if you're so old perv that's trying to get some.
*** - trust me baby girl it's really Luke

I was about to type back to him but I got interrupted by a FaceTime request I was scared as hell to answer it so I didn't. I leave my phone on my bed while I go fetch my laptop so I can watch the Pretty Little Liars series on Netflix and when I come back upstairs to my room I see there is 7 missed FaceTime requests and 12 missed calls. I look at who they're from and all are from this guy who claims he's Luke, I just ignore them. I've finished the first 4 seasons and I look at the time to see its 3:12 AM I go on to whatsapp to see if I have any messages and I see that I have 148 messages from the two unknown numbers I ignore them and carry on watching the series, by the time I was done it was 10:12 AM and I hadn't gotten any sleep yet. I slept for the rest of the day and only woke up at 5:28 AM the next day.

It's been a couple of weeks since the unknown numbers have messaged me and I start to finally calm down. My mom keeps on worrying if I'm okay because she's a stay at home mom and she hates it when I'm lonely because I'm an only child. I told her I was fine and that I want to invite a friend over she started questioning me and the I told her i just want to invite over Bryan, she said I could and that he can sleepover if he likes.

You're probably wondering why my mom is so chilled with me have a guy over and if you think he's gay he's not he is straight the only reason is because I've known him since I was 2 and our parents know each other if I may add him and I go to the same school and he's my neighbor. He's also my best friend in the whole world and if we weren't so close I would definitely fuck him. If Zac Efron, Dave Franco and Theo James had a child he would look like Bryan.


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