2 - surprise

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Bryan finally came over after waiting 3 and a half hours for him to arrive. He came dressed in ripped jeans with a white shirt and his white Air Force. He's always dressed well but that doesn't matter these two random numbers haven't stopped messaging me since 11:30 and I need Bryan's help. Bryan told me I should FaceTime him to see if he's actually telling the truth so I did and after the 2 ring it answered. To my surprise it was actually Luke and I started fangirling when I saw his face but it still didn't answer anything.

Me - how did you get my number?
Luke - my one friend told me they know this smoking hot girl and he told me to speak to her. So I did and he wasn't lying.

I started to blush a little bit but then I remember about the other number

Me - did you give anyone else my number?
Luke - yea just Calum. Why?
Me - because someone started texting me and I didn't know who it was
Luke - no need to worry baby if anyone trys to hurt you I will mess them up
Me - you're so sweet but I haven't even known you that long for all you know I could have a boyfriend.

As I say that Bryan walks in and says "Hey, do you want anything to drink?" Luke hung up as soon as he heard Bryan's deep manly voice, I think he got scared, I tried calling him again but he messaged me and told me to leave him alone. I felt bad so I sent him like 100 messages apologizing until I said

Me - Luke please don't leave I'm begging you. I was kidding about having a boyfriend that was just my best friend Bryan him and I would never date we're to close to ever do that I'm really sorry please forgive me. I love you.
Luke - you love me?
Me - yea who doesn't
Luke - I don't care who else loves me because you do

Just then my face turns so red I feel like a tomato and I can't help myself but smile. Bryan comes back into my room with two steaming cups of hot chocolate, he makes the best hot chocolate, I start drinking it and then I receive a FaceTime request from Luke I answer it whilst still sipping my hot chocolate them he said

Luke - are you drinking coffee?
Me - no hot chocolate but close.
Luke - that's not fair I want
Me - come over and I'll make you
Luke I can't I'm grounded
Me - how did you do that?
Luke - my mom caught me kiss a girl in my room, on the bed, half naked.
Me - ummm okay then.
Luke - I'm kidding
Me - thank god
Luke - if she ever was to find me kissing a girl in my room on my bed half naked it would be with you
Me - I highly doubt I would ever come to your house
Luke - why not babe?
Me - because you live so far away from me
Luke - wait where do you live
Me - New York City
Luke - I'll come visit you someday I promise
Me - I can't wait
Luke - okay I have to go because it's pretty late here I'll talk to you tomorrow though
Me - I'll be counting down the minutes

Just as I sent that he turned red and ended the FaceTime. I've only know him for like 2 hours but I think I'm falling in love with him and it's driving me crazy. Bryan and I stayed up till like 8 am and I was so tired that I slept till 6:47 pm I woke up by the sound of my doorbell and because my parents left last night to go on their 8th honeymoon I had to get up and go answer it. I almost stood on Bryan because I forgot he slept on the floor even though he does every time he sleeps over I'm still not used to it. I finally get to the door and open it to the site of 4 mysterious figures I rub my eyes and look for the switch for the outside lights I found it after 2 minutes of searching and to my surprise 5seconds of summer are standing on my porch. I look around and rub my eyes just to make sure I'm not dreaming and then look said "Can we come inside it's freezing out here" speechless I just nod my head and gesture for them to come in then start looking around and I here Michael whisper "Are we in a castle?" I turn to him and laugh and reply "Yes, and I'm the princess"

We all started laughing really loudly and the. I notice that Bryan was standing on the stairs. Shirtless and in navy blue jogging pants with bright white socks on. I say to him " morning sleepyhead" and then he walks towards me and says "am I still dreaming or are 5seconds of summer really standing in the doorway?" They start laughing and then Ashton says "we're really here mate" he sounded so cute with his Australian accent. I decide to lead everyone into the living room and turn on the fireplace it's one of those wall ones like Kendall Jenner's everyone got cosy around the fireplace and then they started talking I was in the kitchen making everyone hot chocolate I came back with a tray full and hand out to everyone and save Luke for last. He had saved a space next to him for me to sit so sat down and handed him his hot chocolate whilst whispering "I told you I'd make you hot chocolate one day" he smiled at me and made my heart warm. Calum asked me where my parents were and I told him their on their 8th honeymoon and told them they could stay for however long they wanted to Luke looked at me with this huge smile on his face and whispered in my ear

Luke - can I stay in your room with you?
Me - please do
Luke - can I speak to you in private quickly
Me - sure

I asked "is everyone done?" And everyone was so I start putting all the cups back on the tray and start walking towards the kitchen just as I leave the living room I feel two strong arms pick up the tray from behind me I turn around to see Luke standing there.

Things are starting to get steamy real quick read the next chapter to see what Luke wanted to talk to her about

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