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"Hey I made food"she paused taking in my appearance. "Why are you crying baby" she asked walking over to me. "I'm sorry mom" I said between hiccups. She finally reached me and gave me a hug. "What are you sorry for?" She said calmly with a hint of worry in her voice.

"I lied" she looked down at me. "I lied about eating today, I just didn't want you to worry" she just hugged me tighter. "I saw you texted Emma and I felt so bad that I lied, but it's just so hard." She pulled away to say, " what baby what's hard."

"Eating. It's just difficult I'm sorry. I tried but I just couldn't." She lightly pulled on my hand to bring me to the kitchen. "Oh hija it's okay. How about we try again." She sat me down while I just nodded.  I ate half of my food before cleaning up.

"Oh and mom I have an overnight field trip to savanna, could I go?" I asked hoping the last conversation we had doesn't weigh in this one. But she just looked at me then turned her head. "I don't know hija how do I know you will eat based off our last conversation." She said trying not to sound rude.

Oh I thought about what she said for second before I remembered ash is coming. "Wait mom what if I told you ash is coming. She could tell you if I did really eat." I said hoping to persuade her. "I don't know" I just nodded and began to walk away. "Let me talk to Emma and see" I turned around a gave her a big hug.

~little time skip~
At the banners

"Wait mom I'm kinda scared." I said nervous to talk to them about my past. "Don't be, won't judge you" my mom said. I nodded in agreement. Then the door opened. "Hii guys" Emma let us in giving us both a small hug. "What did you guys want to talk about?" She said Mike joining her.

Ash must of heard us come in cause she started walking t down the stairs. I opened my mouth to speak until ash spoke. "Hey mom who's there?". "Arianna and Alanna" Emma called back. Ash walked a bit quicker down to give me a hug.

"So what were you gonna say." I looked down at my hello kitty pj pants and tried to speak. "I- um I wanted to ask... not tell you guys um something?" The way I was talking it sounded like a question. Emma sat next to me and grabbed my hand. "Yes" she said trying to look me in my eyes.

"You know what my mom texted you, you know when the Clark's came?" I said still sounding unsure. "Yes I've been wandering what that was about" I looked up at her eyes forming tears.

"Well last year I dated a guy and I stare red to rebel and do stuff I wasn't supposed to and the guy wasn't even a good guy he made me feel bad about my self to the point I developed a ED.. and because of that my mom wants to know if ash is coming on the field trip because she doesn't want me to yk starve myself again."I said kinda of quick to get it over with. Tears were streaming down my face little.

Emma hugged me and my mom rubbed my back for comfort. "Thank you for sharing with us Alanna I know that must have been hard" Mike said comforting me from afar. "I am going on the trip Lana case your still wandering" ash said. I looked behind me to see my mom nodding.

~time skip~

*rings ring ding* my alarm went off 2 hours before I had to be at school. I swung my legs to the side of my bed, sliding on my slippers. I went to the bathroom and looked into the mirror to see my puffy eyes. I iced them before doing my makeup. I did a full face. A rare occurrence. But what if I meet the love of my life today.

More like meeting the end of my life

I straighten and curled my hair adding a pink headband. I decide to wear my glasses today then went to pick out an outfit. I was deciding between pants or a skirt and I ended up choosing a white ruffled skirt with a pink shirt. I put on white long socks with pink bows and my ballet flats.

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