Macey Penelope McRhymes

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        I've been attacked more than once. I was attacked in an alleyway, and I was attacked in a casino. I did not remember my alleyway attack (whose a superhero), but I remember my casino attacker (whose name was Marmalaid who can transform into a mermaid, donkey, and bird). Since the casino attack, and what Alexander and Christopher doesn't know, is Marmalaid has not stopped harassing me since. She has threatened me with weopons multiple times, but superheroes cannot afford weopons.

          "Well, I have a way." Marmailaid said as she was was in human form. She had corned me when I was shopping in a mall for Alexander's birthday. "The heroes won't know." But I smiled. Sure the heroes did not have a God, or do not know who gave them powers, but it is quite easy to tatle tail on them.

       "Well, you are stupid." I said to Marmalaid, "You can still get told upon. Villains have all the power." I stood true to my world. Marmalade had some secret "Lair" that she kept her weopons in, I made a message of me to place on big screen billboards, and I presented it around evening time in Purple City.

       "Ladies and gentleman, superheroes and villains, I have a superhero from the SuperHero Universe I have to turn in. Marmalade, who is part mermaid, part donkey, and part bird, has weopons in her 'Lair,' and superheroes cannot have weopons as they are all about the peace. Sure, villains and superheroes a like, they have powers, but they have weak powers which is why they cannot stop us."

       Once the Superhero Universe had heard of Marmalaid's "wrong doings" she was turned into their prison in the center of Purple City. Superhero "Police" had raided her homes, her pool filled with sault, and much more. The Superhero Universe turned their weopons to The Villains Corporation Inc! ™ as they only agreed upon this act.

       "We don't believe in weopons, we just believe in our powers." A superhero said as they entered our organization, "And, as you know, this is the only thing we've agreed upon during our wars- turning our weopons to you guys." The superhero left. That's when I told Alexander, my sweet Alexander, how Marmalaide had threatened me.

           "You didn't tell Christopher or I, Macey Penelope McRhymes. I could have protected you from her!" We got into a heated argument. Everyone at The Villains Corporation Inc! ™ had heard about our little argument. Mr. Alberto Brutal, and The God were mad about it- if there is anything, villains v.s. Villains cannot fight eachother- it was too taboo.

     "Either you apologize," Mr. Alberto Brutal began, "or The God will take away your powers- he always stays true upon his words, and also mark my words. We do not care if you break up or not, but apologize- villains should not fight other villains. Superheroes yes, villains absolutely not."

       And yes, Alexander and I had apologized. I decided to stay at my other mansions, to simmer down. The Robots who worked at my mansions took care of everything, and make sure that I was okay, "yeah, I am fine. Alexander and I had a fight, and I've come to this mansion to simmer down." I cried.

        I was really sorry about the way I acted towards Alexander and even Christopher. Christopher became quiet after the argument, and I've felt so embarrassed, I just cannot stand when Alexander has to fight my own battles- he cannot just protect me from everything. He cannot just have Christopher, oh and also Chester Can's involve. He said, "When you are in trouble, Macey Penelope McRhymes, you should always tell me." I looked at Christopher and said:

"I don't want to tell you everything- I can fight my own battles!"

I was shaken up by everything that had happened. When things turned back to normal, Alexander hugged me and said:

"I miss you, my Macey Penelope McRhymes." 

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