Where i stand

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I was running, from what? Baggers.. Sounds weird I know, but this is the end of the world.. It's been about a year at least since this world has came crashing down into spiraling madness.. People turning against each other just like that.. I can't handle it.. I'm not wanting to explain what happened to my family; let's just say there gone..

The silence of being alone is killer, but I would rather be alive than dead or one of them.. I wasn't always alone tho, my best friend survived and together we fled. It was nice having someone there, to talk to, to keep you sane. We where a team, me and her. We always had each others backs before hand but it was stronger after the world ended. One day we thought we where safe, I-I let my guard down.. She died for me that day.. I went ballistic.. I don't remember much still after calming and seeing the damage I did.. What did I do? I became one of them for a moment.. I will NEVER let that happen again..

We had talked about if one of us died, to the each others necklaces. Sounds weird but we both have a special necklace we never take off, it would keep the memory of one or another.. I had taken hers off n put it on myself. Then I buried her.. in the back of the place we where hiding in. I'm surprised baggers didn't go after me but they must of thought I was one of them when I lost it..
I miss her; a lot.
That explains where I am today, I'm hiding in a cabin somewhere in Michigan, it's snowing like crazy outside and it has to be at least -10'f outside at least.. It makes it about 30 in here when u block all the seals from letting the cold in.. I can't risk making a fire tho.. It could attract them.. I have things set up incase any of them appear; and an escape route. At the moment I am curled up in the blankets with sweatpants, socks, shoes, boots, and a sweatshirt I found here. Yes it seems gross to wear random peoples clothes but it's survival man. You have to survive..
I'm guessing no one has found this place tho as there's a crap ton of food here, I would say baggers where making a base here if it wasn't for the fact when I got here, everything was covered in an in unhealthy layer of dust.
So this basically where I'm standing at the moment..

How do you guys like it so far? I have a crap ton of ideas for this story at the moment but please don't comment anything rude or hurtful and please ignore my horrible grammar.. I'm trying the best I can but hope you enjoy!

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