Update 2 - 8th July 2024

74 1 3

Hello? Is that how I should start this?
It's been almost three years since I uploaded anything here - 2 years 7 months to be precise.
My name is Zykoe, and some of you may remember me as a fairly well known 'The Music Freaks' fan fiction writer back in late 2020-2021 on Instagram. I was 14 during the peak of this time, now it's three years later and I'm 17! It feels like whole eternities have gone by since my interest in The Music Freaks was at its peak.

I logged in here off a complete whim, and noticed many comments from less than a year ago wondering what had happened. So I'll briefly explain here.

I grew up guys!😢

The Music Freaks was a huge part of my life a few years back, and I still have many fond memories of the series and the friends I made while working on my stories.

But life has changed, and I've long moved on from it :,)

I'm truly sorry for any disappointment! Reading the comments about my stories on here that I never even read gave me the same kind of happy feeling I felt when I was first writing these stories🥹 I'm glad I was able to feel that again. Thank you for that <3

But there will unlikely be any continuation to any of the fan fictions uploaded on here.

Don't be discouraged! I still have many archived stories that have yet to be published on Wattpad, and if that is something anyone would like, I will happily share them.
Of course, the writing is not to my standard now - but I was fourteen when I wrote a majority of these stories. So I hope you can let it slide!

Thank you for your love and support. I will forever hold that in my heart.
- Zykoe

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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