Chapter Two

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Y/N sat on the chair within the principal's office, hugging his knees close to his chest.

"I have never in my years of teaching been more disappointed in two students."

Ashamed, Y/N would continue to avoid eye-contact with the intimidating figure in front of him. Y/N would whimper at the thought of how the man could punish him. He'd squash his face up against his knees, fighting the urge to cry or whimper anymore. He didn't want to seem weak. He didn't need any more reasons to be considered an Omega. Yet, he knew no matter what he did, he would always be seen as a weaker more submissive member of society.

"What do you have to say for yourselves?!" The principal shouted at them with his deep tone of voice.

Another whimper would accidentally escape Y/N's lips at the harsh tone, then proceeding to bury his face out of sight. He'd be hoping and praying that Joey would speak up. But when nothing but backtalk and jokes came out of Joey's mouth, Y/N knew he'd have to pipe up. That is if he didn't want Joey to get the both of them in any deeper trouble.

"Mr. Stewart, please hear me out!" Y/N would finally say in a louder tone.

Mr. Stewart would snap his head to Y/N's direction, a large scowl on his face. "What could you possibly have to say?!"

The loud and angry tone of voice would startle Y/N. The urge to whimper and cower grew stronger but he knew he had to resist. He couldn't show weakness. With a trembling lip, Y/N would continue. "It was peer pressure, sir! Joey pressured me into smoking the blunt!!"

Joey would turn to look at Y/N, frustration read all across their face. "What the fuck?!"

The principal would raise a hand to Joey, signalling for them to be quiet. "Y/N, can you please explain what you are talking about." The principal would address him.

Y/N would stir uncomfortably under the glare of both Joey and Mr. Stewart. He squirmed in his seat and lowered his head.

"W-well... I was walking down the halls of school after a... particularly bad day at home... and Joey saw me. They offered me a blunt, but I didn't want it because obviously drugs are bad, right? But Joey just kept on pressuring me and pressuring so I just... took it...".

Y/N continued to hold his head low. He didn't want to see the reaction of the two people he was in a room with. Instead, he'd fidget with his fingers, picking at his dirty nails.

After a long few moments of silence, the principal would speak again. "Is this true, Joey?"

Nothing would come out of Joey's mouth. Curiously, Y/N would look up at them now being faced with the same face of frustration although this time, anger accompanied it. Joey would side-eye Y/N.

Before either could speak – although it seemed neither of them were thinking of doing that anyways – Mr. Stewart would talk.

He'd address Y/N, "you're free to leave if you wish. Joey and I need to talk..." he'd give Joey a hard look.

Y/N was shocked. How was it that he had been left off the hook so easily? This never seemed to happen with any other student who had been caught smoking marijuana in the past. Why was he an exception? Y/N wouldn't linger on the thought any longer. He'd quickly push his thin body off of the hard seat he had been sitting on and scrambled towards the door to escape the tense air that filled the room before the principal would change his mind.

He'd run past the front office desk next before exiting the office too. Now in the busy hallways of his school, Y/N would push past other fellow students, just wanting to reach the bathroom so he could hide in there in peace as he always did during lunch breaks.

It Mine Y/N - Ronnie x Male Reader - One Wheat MarkWhere stories live. Discover now