CHAPTER 7 -The Tyrant's Wrath (The Sacrifice of Scarlet)

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As dawn broke, the gentle morning light pierced through the thick clouds, enveloping the vampire kingdom in an ethereal glow. The atmosphere was laden with palpable tension, which seemed to hum through the narrow streets and winding alleys. Despite the solemnity of the occasion, the townsfolk converged in great numbers, exuding an unsettling mix of eager anticipation and morbid fascination as they readied themselves to witness a rare and unsettling spectacle.

Today marked a fateful day for Scarlet and her family as they found themselves engulfed in an overwhelming sense of despair. Among the people eagerly anticipating the kingdom's proceedings, Edward's family stood as a solemn presence. Their daughter, Scarlet, was facing execution, a fate sealed by the decrees of the powerful. Despite the festive atmosphere that filled the kingdom, it was tainted by an undercurrent of cruelty and dread.

The courthouse, usually a somber and empty space, was now packed with spectators. The crowd was an unusual mix; regular attendees mixed with new faces, all drawn by morbid curiosity. Most had only heard whispers about Scarlet-rumors that portrayed her as a dangerous villain. Now, they would finally see the enigmatic figure for themselves.

In the front row, Edward and his family sat, their faces etched with grief and a touch of defiance. Edward's eyes were rimmed with red, his shoulders hunched under the weight of unbearable sorrow. His wife clutched a handkerchief, her silent tears forming a steady stream of heartbreak. Their other children huddled close, sharing in the collective misery, their young faces pale and drawn.

The king sat at a high, ornate table overseeing the proceedings with a commanding and cold presence. His eyes gleamed with predatory satisfaction as he looked around the room. The chaos seemed to amuse him, serving as a testament to his power and control. Leaning back in his throne, a smirk played at the corners of his lips.

Suddenly, the king rose, his imposing figure drawing the attention of every eye in the courtroom. With a single, authoritative wave of his hand, he commanded silence, the room falling instantly still. His voice, clear and resonant, sliced through the quiet, capturing the focus of the assembled crowd.

"Loyal subjects," the king began, his tone carrying a mix of gravity and smug satisfaction, "we gather here today to uphold a time-honored tradition, one that ensures the purity and strength of our kingdom. Today, we witness the cleansing of a noble house, the family of Master Edward, my royal count, by the sacrifice of his daughter, Scarlet."

A murmur ran through the crowd, the weight of the king's words settling heavily on their shoulders. The concept of 'purity' and the ritual of 'cleansing' was an ancient and revered tradition, yet it carried a dark and bloody history.

Edward, seated at the front with his family, felt a wave of shame crash over him. He closed his eyes, trying to block out the king's damning proclamation and the eyes of the onlookers that felt like daggers piercing his soul. Eleanor, his wife, was inconsolable, her body wracked with sobs as she clung to their two children, Kalel and Izumi. They, in turn, tried to offer what little comfort they could, though their tears flowed freely.

Max, sat in stony silence beside his weeping sister. His fists were clenched tightly, knuckles white with the force of his suppressed anger. Disappointment and fury roiled within him, a tempest of emotions threatening to break free. He could not bear to look at Eleanor in pain, yet he could not tear his gaze away, his heart torn between sorrow for her fate and rage at the injustice being wrought upon her.

"SEND HER IN!" the king's voice thundered through the courtroom, his command echoing off the stone walls. The guards moved swiftly to obey, their heavy footsteps a grim prelude to the spectacle about to unfold. Scarlet was forced into the courtroom, her presence a magnetic pull that drew every eye in the room.

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