CHAPTER - 2 A Daughter's Struggle

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As the years passed, Edward watched his daughter grow from a newborn into a beautiful woman, alongside her siblings. Yet, he couldn't shake the feeling that she was no ordinary girl. Despite being a vampire like the rest of their clan, there was something different about her, something beyond his understanding. This realization filled him with a mixture of fear and concern, driving him to seek guidance from the soothsayer of the kingdom.

"Your child is gifted, Master Edward," the soothsayer intoned solemnly. "She possesses abilities beyond this realm. I advise you to keep her safe and to prevent her from delving too deeply into that side of her powers. Do not take your eyes off her."

Edward nodded, his mind swirling with the weight of the soothsayer's words. He vowed to adhere to the sage's advice, determined to protect his daughter at all costs. Lost in thought, he made his way home, pondering the implications of his daughter's extraordinary nature.

However, his contemplations were abruptly interrupted by the urgent summons of the king. "Master Edward, the king seeks your presence," his guard announced, breaking Edward's reverie. Without hesitation, Edward followed the guard into the palace grounds, his thoughts still consumed by the soothsayer's warning.

Upon entering the king's lair, Edward approached the throne and bowed respectfully. "Your Majesty, you called for me?" he inquired, his voice laced with deference.

The king regarded him with a solemn expression. "Yes, Count Edward. I require your presence in court today to pass judgment on a culprit," the king explained, his tone grave.

"Alright, sire," Edward said with a respectful bow before turning to leave. As he walked, his thoughts lingered on the king's cryptic words. "What do you think the crime is, sire?" he asked, pausing to meet the king's gaze.

The king's expression turned somber as he responded, "Well, let's just say it is the most abominable treason that taints the purity of this kingdom and its people. I will be there to witness it myself, Edward. Make sure it's done."

"Yes, sire," Edward replied with another bow as the king departed.

Hours flew by, and the courtroom buzzed with anticipation as Edward presided over the trial. The hall was filled with civilians, all eager to witness the passing judgment. The king and his subjects were also present, their eyes fixed on the proceedings.

The atmosphere was tense as the accused was brought into the hall, escorted by guards. Her face and body bore the marks of violence, her clothing torn and tattered. Murmurs rippled through the crowd as they looked upon her with a mixture of disdain and disgust.

"Traitor!" a voice rang out from the crowd, followed by jeers and mockery. Edward's voice boomed over the tumult, commanding silence in the courtroom. "Silence in the courtroom!" he exclaimed, his authoritative tone cutting through the noise.

As Edward's gaze settled upon the accused woman, the weight of responsibility bore down upon him. His expression remained stoic, revealing nothing of the turmoil within him. With solemn determination, he unfurled the scroll containing the law and began to read aloud to the hushed audience, including the king.

"This woman here has brought a curse onto our land by doing the unimaginable," he declared, his tone firm and unwavering. "Our wise forefathers ensured our lineage preserves purity to foster everlasting strength. "As he spoke, the gravity of the situation hung heavy in the air, each syllable laden with the weight of centuries of tradition and law. The audience listened intently, their eyes fixed on Edward as he continued to unravel the details of the crime.

"But this woman, knowing the law of the land, decided to break it by sleeping with one that is not of us," he continued, his voice tinged with a mixture of disappointment and condemnation. "A LYCAN. And she carries a seed that would be an abomination to our people."

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