Secret Norsky (Purple City):

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     I  have powers, for sure, but I don't want to tell anyone, I like to keep to myself. Thats what The God had told me to do: "keep it to yourself." I am so secretive that I've spoken to The God many times. I've listened to his words, and stood true to him. The God turns to me as particles, then poof, into a regular person. He's traveled throughout America, in disguise, into each soul of every scientists and smart people and then poof, magic powers. Villains remembered the day this had happened, and The God had introduced himself. He just said, according to others, "my name is The God, and you shall call me The God, there are no other God's before me! I'm only for the evil!"

      I loved listening to what The God had said to me. He says to remain true to myself, true to the other Evils amongst the world. True to America as The God is only for the American people.

          Countries have tried to fight The God, they know of him, and they said there is a God for the good, not a God for the bad. A God would never create someone whose all evil. "Other countries have hated me, rejected me. But, for a reason of the other, America's world had accepted me. I am for the wealth, and they are the Beautiful. So son, do tell me how you are doing." I tell The God how I've been doing. I said I have been doing good, bad, or everything in between. I always asked The God why he's so into me, why he believes in me. "Well, I was never into the fact that America had been trained to create kids to be evil, but then I saw you.... So powerful, and this is why I love to talk to you. You remain loyal and I think that this is what your power is: a power of strong loyalty in your heart."

           I smiled at The God, and thanked him. One day, as I was talking to him, someone had broken into The Villains Corporation Inc! ™ It was a superhero, and superheroes aren't allowed to see The God. And there was a reason: if a good person, a superhero, were to see The God he'd become Sick. As he saw the hero break into The Villains Corporation Inc!™ he had stricken of fear, collapsed into my arms, and became sweaty. Mr. Alberto Brutal had tried to stop the intruder. 'That's what he looks like, that's what he looks like, and I killed him!" A villain named Suitman, in whome a villain named Christopher Benedict, had captured him with a gun, a gun that he had made. "How dare you step in front of The God!" Suitman cried. I held The God in my hand tightly. It looked like he wanted to shapeshift into a particle, but he was weakening. Suitman took the superhero in his care, and a villain named Dragon Less had entered the scene, and Dragon Less is Dragon Magical's brother, a traitor, to the villains side. "We are going to take you into questioning, some serious questioning. You won't go to Allastairs Prep tomorrow, and you will be reviewed by The Villains Mafia." I looked at Dragon Less. "But I didn't do anything!" I protested, "The God wanted to speak to ME!" 

        u"It doesn't matter, you are going to be questioned." Suitman handcuffed me, "And The Villain Mafia will be questioning you at The Villains Corporation Headquarters!™ campus, in a city called Andadet owned by Purple City it's where all the villains go to our jail, and lose their powers. But first you'll be questioned...." He trailed off. My father, Fester, who has the power of living a long time, being pronounced dead, and then became alive, had gotten a call, and he'd be questioned to. When I saw Dad, they took him in, and tazered him, sending him off to The Villains Corporation Headquarters!™

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