I feel scared of what you could do
I feel like I could throw up
I can barely masturbate without feeling like throwing up
Is it I'm disgusted with myself
Or Is it I'm disgusted with what you want
Sometimes I feel pretty and then I try to be sexual and I just want to throw everything up
Is it that you told how you wanted to put "inch by inch"
My thoughts made me realize that I shouldn't go close to you
I've been a mess
My mind wonders and then I think of you being able to get your way no matter what
Is it because I want it
I know I don't I really don't
I think that'll break me
But I can't be happy with myself
Why should I be happy
When you want me
As if I can't feel you longing for me
It makes me want to throw up
Or just die in a hole
And I'm tired of going day by day, Hour by hour, minute by minute even second by second thinking that if you had a.chance you might take it
It's hard I can't even trust you
It's been hard and I'm sick and tired