Father Daughter Dance

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(Set a few years before the events of season 1 ep 1)

Taylor sighed as she looked at the flyer in her hand. Figures right?

Seventh grade dance. A father daughter dance.

And of course, she had to be the only one in her grade without a dad right? Stupid. How stupid was that. Taylor blinked, fighting back tears that threatened to spill.

How fantastic, right?

Taylor tsked, shoving the flyer in her backpack. Out of sight, out of mind. Besides, it was stupid of her to get upset over it anyways. She had other things to worry about. Like mom. And Tyler. And mechanics. And her future. Her grades, and and-

God, Taylor thought she might buckle under the pressure. WHy did things have to be this way?

She was a kid.

Taylor sighed,shaking those thoughts out of her mind as she tried to pay attention to the teacher. It was no use complaining about something she couldnt change, and besides it wasn't like she could change it anyways. So the best thing to do was smile and get through her day. Fake it till you make it right? And who knows, maybe one day she would mean it.

No, she meant it now. Dad wouldn't want her to be sad! So she had to smile. For him. For her mom. And for her twin.

The bell rang, signalling the end of class. Tyler went up to Taylor, frowing a bit when he noticed her obvious gloomy aura. It might not be obvious to others, but he knew Taylor all too well.

"Whats wrong?" He asked walking next to her. Taylor sighed.

"Nothings wrong. I'm fine, Ty." Taylor smiled.

Tyler crossed his arms, raising his eyebrow. "Your lying to me," he pointed out.

Taylor groaned. "Is it that obvious?"

"Very," Tyler smiled, a bit smug. He dropped it though, returning to his serious face. "So whats wrong?"

Taylor sighed. She pulled the crumpled up flyer out of her bag, showing it to Tyler. "That."

Tyler looked at it, his eyes softening in understandment.


"Oh." He said simply, shifting uncomfortably.

Taylor sighed. "Yeah. Oh."

Tyler scratched the back of his neck, the atmosphere thick and akaward. He shifted. "That uh..That sucks."
"No shit." Taylor sighed. She threw the flyer in the trash. "Its fine. Im not going anyways. Not like I could go anyways."
Tyler sighed. "Yeah..Yeah right."

Taylor sat on the top bunk, scrolling on her phone. Man. This sucked. A lot. Being the only girl not able to go to this stupid dance. There was a knock on the door, then Tyler entered. Taylor went to go and tell him to go away, but paused at his apperance. He was dressed...nice? He had on a white button up and black jeans. He grinned, hands on his hips.
"Get ready." He said, grinning.
"For what?" Taylor said, confused and raising her eyebrow.
"The dance," Tyler said simply. Before could Taylor asked what he could met, Tyler left the room. Taylor frowned. What was her brother planning?

Taylor got out of bed, and despite being confused, got ready, as Tyler said. She wore a simple white dress, putting her hair in a bun. She walked into the other oom and gasped.

Tyler had covered the lights in the living room, turning them off and putting up the white christmas lights in an attempt to create fairy lights. The room was dim, and he moved the furtinure to create a makeshift dance floor. He had a small bluetooth speaker playing a song to dance to. Taylor gasped.

"Ty did you..?"

Tyler blushed in embarrsment. "Ah..yeah. I um...shit im bad at this but uh...I didn't want you to miss out y'know?"

Taylor smiled sweetly. Tyler stuck his hand out, hesitant. "So, dance?"

Taylor nodded, laughing at her brothers antics. "Yeah.

And together, the two danced the night away. Taylor smiled. She didn't need her father.

She had her brother.

And this would be better than any dance she could go to at all.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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