Jacob back up!

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Peter POV:

I opened my eyes to bright light and a cold environment.

'Quinn it's freezing' I transmit as I look towards my friends, Luna and Quinn.

Once we are swaddled we are held by Alice, Rosalie, and Esme. I look up at Esme and try to smile at her. She coos at me and suddenly I yawn feeling a sudden sleepiness that came out of nowhere. 

As Esme starts to walk to the crib I see Jasper and feel a bond forming, A Father-Son bond. I feel really happy that he's my dad before realizing he was the one to make me sleepy. I glare at him for making me tired before being set down next to my friends falling asleep as we cling to each other.

Jaspers POV:

Edward once all the babies are out of Bella injects her with venom. I make the babies sleepy so that they won't cry for Bella when I lock eyes with the little boy I feel as though I need to protect him and that he's my own kid. My eyes widen before I see the little boy smile and then glare before falling asleep with the other two girls. Reneesme being set with Rosalie looking as though she's one month old which is slightly concerning as the other kids look their age, one day. Once all the babies are asleep I go on a walk to process the earlier moment with the boy.

Back to Peters POV:

I awoke a day later to Luna transmitting,

'Peter wake up! Wake up! We are getting named!' I tried to turn to her when Quinn said,

'Yeah let's see Edward's terrible names!' I rolled my eyes before turning to Edward.

"I think for the boy Bella wanted EJ so that's what his name will be. That girl." he says pointing to Luna "will be Rosalice and the other will be Emasper." All three of us grimaced and turned away from Edward. 

'Wow,' Quinn said, 'The names are even worse than I thought' she transmitted as she broke into a fit of giggles. Luna and i soon joined in.

'But seriously, Edward-Jacob, Rosalice, and Emasper as baby names does he want to inflict us with bullies' I transmitted giggling.

The adults were confused, but everyone except Edward, Carlisle and Esme, were amused by us giggling at Edward's stupid names. 

After we talked we turned and saw the adults looking at us I locked eyes with Alice and saw her and I form a Mother-Son bond. Then I heard,

'Peter, Luna! Alice and Jasper are my parents!' I look to her excited,

'Me too Luna who are your parents?'

'Rosalie and Emmett' Luna transmits excited. Reneesme next to us stays silent confused.

Rosalie's POV:

Once the babies woke up Esme said,

"Edward, you should name the three other kids!" He nodded,

""I think for the boy Bella wanted EJ so that's what his name will be. That girl." he says pointing to Luna "will be Rosalice and the other will be Emasper."Me and Emmett and Alice and Jasper grimace at the names before we see the children giggle I look down at them amused before locking eyes with one of the little girls. 

Suddenly feeling as though she was my daughter with my violet human eyes and Emmett's ears. I was shocked but excited at the idea of her being my daughter when Edward glared at me and Alice. The children though seemed to converse excited by whatever they were saying to each other. 

Quinn's POV: I was really excited about Alice and Jasper being my parents when I saw Jacob creepingly looking at Reneesme.

'Ewwww when I read the books I thought Reneesme, and Jacobs relationship was weird but this is so gross' Luna transmits seeing what I'm seeing. I  narrow my eyes at him for not even hiding his  pedoness. Even though  Reneesme isn't my close sister I still feel protective of her. I feel my hands warming before I unknowingly throw Jacob out of the house.

A/N DUN DUN DUUUUNNN! Hi so I was wondering what should be Luna and Peters powers? Please give me some ideas.

Peter: Maybe he can charm people with his words like a siren IDK

Luna: Since she's gentle maybe she can heal people and grow flowers 

Quinn:Right now I'm thinking telekinesis and maybe fire

But please give me some more ideas! Love ya, LiliacLavender:)

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