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Meera pov:

Everything had been going so well at the party. Laughter filled the air, and the anticipation for the cake-cutting was electric. But then, everything went sideways in a heartbeat.

It all started with Uncle Carlos. He was on his phone, his face creasing in confusion and then morphing into a mask of shock. Luis must have noticed the look on his face because he rushed over and grabbed the phone from him. His expression mirrored uncle's in a flash – pure shock.

My heart lurched. "Uncle, is everything alright?" I asked, my voice laced with concern. He simply shook his head in no, his face grim. Luis, his voice tight with worry, walked over to me.

"We don't know how to tell you this, Meera," he began, his words hanging heavy in the air. My stomach clenched. What were they trying to say? Before I could press for an answer, the lights in the entire room flickered and then plunged into darkness.

Panic surged through me. What was going on? 

Just as worry started to gnaw at me, Appa's calming voice cut through the darkness. "Don't panic, Meera ma," he said gently. A wave of relief washed over me as the lights flickered back on, revealing a sight that made my jaw drop.

There, standing in the center of the place with his signature smirk plastered across his face, is Adrian. He had his arms folded casually against his chest, a playful glint in his emerald eyes.

"Hey Fresa," he drawled, his voice sending a flutter through my stomach.

A gasp escaped my lips. "A-Adrian?" I stammered, completely bewildered.

He looked even more handsome than usual. His hair, usually slightly messy during our video calls, was now meticulously styled. His jawline seemed sharper, free of the little stubble I'd teased him about last week. He was dressed in a white t-shirt peeking out from under a stylish sandal coat, perfectly paired with crisp white pants. His sunglasses hung from the collar of his t-shirt. 

As my gaze darted around the room, it finally dawned on me. Everyone – my parents, Naveen, even Carlos Uncle, and Luis – were sporting matching teasing smiles. It hit me like a bolt of lightning – they'd all tricked me!

Relief and a surge of happiness washed over me, replacing the panic that had gripped me moments ago. Folding my arms in mock-disappointment, I whined, "You guys! This is way too much!" My gaze landed on Carlos Uncle, who was sporting a wide grin.

"Uncle, you too? I can't believe you were in on this!" I exclaimed, a playful pout forming on my lips.

He chuckled heartily. "I'm sorry, Meera dear, but everything's fine now, see? We decided to give our approval for Adrian's sake."

Just then, Naveen, my ever-teasing cousin, sauntered over and wrapped a mock comforting arm around my shoulders. "Well, everyone knew Adrian Machan was coming except you, Bally(Lizard) Meera!" he said with a mischievous wink.

I swatted Naveen's arm lightly and disentangled myself from his mock hug. My gaze swept across the room, landing on Thanu, Elena, and Dahlia, who were all sporting sheepish grins. Clearly, they were all in on the elaborate prank.

Turning to Adrian, a playful question escaped my lips. "Don't you think they went a little overboard with the surprise, Adrian?" He chuckled, "Just for fun amor" his usual effortless swagger slightly subdued. There was a nervous flutter in his eyes that I hadn't noticed before.

He walked over to my parents, who were beaming at him and wished them a happy anniversary with a charming smile. Suddenly, Diego burst onto the stage, holding a giant bouquet of vibrant flowers that looked like they could rival a small tree. He presented it to my parents with a flourish, and they all descended from the platform, leaving only Adrian and me standing in the spotlight. Adrian adjusted his collar slightly, a hint of nervousness flickering across his handsome face.

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