Chapter 2 The death of a soul

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I felt a sense of fear as Ryle stormed into the house, his anger palpable in the air. He started throwing items in frustration, expressing his aggression in destructive ways.

Ryle's anger was legendary among anyone who knew him. Growing up, his lack of self-control led him to commit some unforgivable acts driven by pure rage. Somewhere, I instinctively knew that this eruption of anger was linked to Rhea. Perhaps they had engaged in a passionate yet tumultuous argument. The tension in the air hung heavily as I braced myself for the storm of fury that was about to unfold.

As I sat there, fear lurking in my eyes, I had a desperate hope that he wouldn't notice me as i was trying to maintain a calm exterior, but inside, i was drowning in a sea of anxiety. My heart pounded in my chest, and every muscle in my body tensed, as I silently pleaded, hoping against hope that the shadows would hide me, and he would remain oblivious to my presence. But deep down, I knew that my fear was etched across my face, and it was only a matter of time before he would notice me.

He scans the room, searching for the source of his growing irritation. When his gaze eventually landed on me, his face twisted into a deep scowl, and his anger was palpable as he grumbled,
"What the hell are you doing here, huh?"

The question hung in the air, heavy and laced with hostility.

As i spoke, my voice trembled slightly, betraying the fear that coursed through me,
"I...I was just... I mean, I'm here for the movie night,"

I stuttered, my eyes darting nervously between him and the floor,
"Your sister...she invited me, and we were supposed to watch a movie."

His arms crossed in a casual, almost ignorant manner, he asks,
"Where is she, then?"

He moves a step closer, his tone bordering on confrontational,
"Seems like no one else is home,"

He continues, a sly smile playing on his lips,
"I'm just making sure that no one's here."

Though the words come out as a simple query, the menace behind them is clear.

Fear coursed through my veins as my mind raced through endless possibilities. As a petite girl facing a towering figure of 6'2", I knew my chances of stopping whatever might be about to unfold were practically non-existent.

Panic gripped my body, my hands quivering, guided by my heart pounding in my chest. My thoughts were consumed by a singular desire to run away, to escape from this nightmarish situation. I wanted nothing more than to bolt out of there and run until my legs couldn't carry me any farther.

Anywhere would be better than this place, away from the danger that loomed before me. But I was frozen in fear, my body refusing to obey the commands of my terrified mind.

My voice trembled, laced with fear, as I managed to stammer out, "I...I think...I should leave..."

The words came out in a rush, and I struggled to keep the tears from spilling over. Every inch of me was filled with a primal terror that I had never experienced before. It was as if my very existence was hanging in the balance, and I could barely contain the panic that threatened to consume me.

I tried to escape, my footsteps quick and anxious as I darted for the door. But just as I thought I was making my getaway, I felt his hand grab my arm, stopping me in my tracks.

I turned to see Ryle standing there, his eyes filled with predatory gleam as he spoke in a low, dangerous tone,
"Where do you think you're going, huh?"

His grip on my arm tightened, and I felt a shiver of terror run down my spine. I tried to scream, speak, a word, anything, just say something Autumn,
"I wa..nna go ....g...hom-e."

He let's go of my arm, his grip tightening for a moment before release me.
"You think I'm just going to let you walk out of here like that?"

He hissed, his voice dripping with menace,
"I don't think so."

He pulled me closer, his body pressing against mine as he loomed over me, a sinister smile on his lips,
"You're not going anywhere."

"Let me leave, Ryle"
I was scared. My voice was not even coming out of my mouth. Honestly I don't even know if what i said was audible or if i actually said anything at all.

He smirks, a cruel glint in his eyes as he senses my fear,
"Scared, are you?" He chuckled darkly.

He leans in closer, his lips brushing of my ears,
Ryle's voice dropped to a dangerous whisper,"You have no clue what I'm capable of, do you?"

He said, a hint of mockery in his tone, "I could do anything I wanted with you right now, and there's absolutely nothing you could do to stop me. Hell, I could do worse things than you could ever imagine."

Ryle roughly yanked me closer to him, closing the distance between us in a single motion. His arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me even tighter against his body. The anger in his eyes was palpable as he stared down at me, his grip growing tighter with each passing moment. I could feel the tension radiating off of him in waves, and i knew that he was not going to let me go anytime soon. Ryle's fingers dug into my flesh, leaving behind a burning sensation that served as a painful reminder of his dominance over me.

Ryle pushed me down onto the bed, his body covering mine like a dark, smothering blanket. His eyes bore into mine with an intensity that mirrored the sinister nature within him,

"There's no escaping me now," he growled, his voice laced with menace, "I've got you right where I want you."

And than he did something, cruel enough to break a 15 years old girl's soul into million pieces.

Trust me i wanted to scream. I wanted to kill him at that very moment. But i was lying there helpless. I was on my deathbed, dying. Painful? Even if i'll write a book, a thousand words, nothing can ever explain what I felt.

With each breath, a searing pain scorched through my chest as my body grew cold. My soul was slowly slipping away, leaving behind an empty husk. The tears streaming down my face were the last remnants of life slowly leaving me.

It was a physical reminder of my nearing end, with each shallow breath bringing me closer to the brink.

I desperately wanted to lash out, to fight, but my body was failing me, leaving me defenseless and weak.

The pain was almost unbearable, it felt like my soul was escaping my body with every tear that rolled down my cheek. I lay there, slowly succumbing to my fate. The agony was unspeakable, and all I could do was silently hope that somehow, someway, I would be spared this cruel end. Each passing second felt like an eternity in hell.

As my life force left me, I could only feel the overwhelming emptiness consume me, inside out.

In that moment, I felt as if I had reached the lowest of lows, completely vulnerable and exposed. I thought that there was no way that anything could be more cruel or painful than what I was going through. How could there be anything worse than losing my soul, losing the very essence of who I was? The darkness loomed over me, and I could not see a way out.

Would I ever be able to forget the pain I was feeling, or would it forever haunt me?

Song recommendation :
Everything i wanted ~ Billie Eilish

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