Chapter 1

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A/N: The chapters will get longer as I get further into the story

"Tula come down here please!" My Mum shouted upstairs.

I groaned and got off my bed. I stomped downstairs to see what she wanted.

"What?" I snapped.

"Me and Mark are going out for a bit" She told me.

"You called me downstairs to tell me that?!" I snapped at her.

"Yes" She smiled.

"Oh whatever" I groaned, going back upstairs.

"Tula! Get here now! Don't be so rude!" My Mum shouted.

"It's fine Anne. I'm used to it" Mark answered.

"Good cause it aint gonna get no better" I smirked.

They left the house to go wherever they were going. I went to my best mate Ny's house. She knew I hated Mark so I could talk to her.

"Are things still no better?" Ny asked me.

"I hate him. He's just so fucking arrogant!" I shouted.

"Come stay here for a bit?" Ny suggested.

"I'm not being forced out of my own home cause I was there first. if anyone's going, it's him the daft twat!" I shouted angrily.

"T, just calm down yeah?" Ny smiled at me.

"Yeah I'm sorry. He just annoys me. My Mum sides with him and that makes it worse. I'm supposed to be her daughter and she's siding with her latest fucking floozy!" I added.

"So come and stay here? I'll speak to my Mum? I know you shouldn't have to, but it's just to give you a few days away?" Ny suggested again.

"Yeah it might help actually. Will your Mum let me though?" I asked her.

"Will her Mum let you do what?" Ny's Mum asked.

"T wants to stay here just for a couple of days. Things at hers are really bad because her Mum's kicking off at her because of the way T's treating her new boyfriend and T aint happy there. She hates him so can she stay here for a few days?" Ny responded.

"I'm sorry but no she can't. I've got enough on with you and your brother. Plus, there's me being a single Mother. I'm sorry Tula" Ny's Mum smiled.

"It's fine don't worry about it" I replied.

"Are you sure?" Ny asked.

"Yeah I'll be fine, I'll go stay at Dappy's" I answered.

"Let me know how you are yeah?" Ny told me.

"Yeah I will do. See you soon" I smiled slightly.

I left Ny's house and decided to go to the park. A boy no older than fifteen sits down next to me.

"Alright?" He smiled.

"Yeah you?" I replied.

"Been one of them days?" He asked me.

"You could say that" I grinned.

"So what's your name?" He questioned me.

"Tula, you?" I told him.

"Nice name, I'm Thomas but call me Tom" He answered.

"So how old are you?" I quizzed him.

"I'm fifteen, you?" He responded.

"Fourteen" I grinned.

I sat talking to Tom for a bit and he tried to kiss me. I stood up and ran off in shock. I barely even know him and he's trying to kiss me? I did go to Dappy's but his Dad said I couldn't stay there so I had no choice but to go home.

"Now then Tula" Mark sneered as I walked through the door.

"What?" I snapped.

"You speak to me like you did this morning and I'll make your regret it. Are we clear?" He threatened me.

"Whatever" I smirked.

"I said, are we clear?" He repeated.

"Whatever. Just get out of my face" I snorted.

He pinned me up against the wall and carried on threatening me.

"So you know we understand one another Tula, I'm not too keen on you either as it happens but I am not threatened or intimidated by some stupid little school girl" He warned me.

"Well, I'm not threatened by my Mum's bully of a boyfriend" I sneered at him.

"You will be" He warned me, letting go of me.

"What's what supposed to mean?" I asked him.

"You cross me once more you stupid little girl and you'll find out what I'm really like!" He added.

I ran off upstairs. I still wasn't threatened by him. Call me stupid or whatever but I just have a feeling that he's all talk and no trousers. He's a vicious bully and I have to get him out of our lives. If he can do that to me, what he's going to do to my Mum when she crosses him?

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