Chapter 8

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"Jc!" I heard Connor yell. I could hear him walking up to my room. "Yeah? What's up?" I asked him, not exactly sure why he had to yell.

"Why did you kiss Hannah, what the fuck." He yelled at me again, shoving me on my shoulders.

Shit. He knows. Fuck. "I was gonna-" I didn't get to finish explaining, when he punched me right in the face. I fell to the ground, in pain.

I got up and punched him right back. Before you knew it, we were both beaten up badly.

"Guys! What the hell! Stop!" I heard Hannah yell as she pulled Connor away from me.

"You kissed my girlfriend! What the fuck man!?" He yelled at me for the third time.

"I was gonna tell you, I kissed her because I love her, I know it's wrong because she's your girlfriend but I do and if you can't deal with that, then that's not my problem." I said and walked out of my room. I went into the bathrom to clean up my wounds.

After that, I walked out of the house. I needed to take a walk to the park to think about things. I was truly hurt by everything.


"Connor what is wrong with you?!" Hannah yelled at me after Jc left.

"What? I punched him for kissing you! He can't do that, he knows you're taken by me and it was totally wrong of him to kiss you!" I yelled back at her.

"I kissed him! I guess you can punch me too!" She said. "You what? You kissed him back?"

I was out of shock. I can't believe she'd do that to me. She cheated on me, with Jc. "Yes, I did, and I'm sorry, I shouldn't have." She said, walking closer to me to hug me.

"No, don't hug me. Go hug Jc. I bet you want to be with him, so go. I can't believe you kissed him. You cheated on me, Hannah. I'm sorry but I can't be with you. You know, maybe you're better off with him." I said out of anger and walked out, slamming the door on her.

I stormed in my room and slammed my body on my bed. I know people might think that I'm tough, but I can be vulnerable at times.

I stood up, and punched the wall a few times. I looked down at my hands and they were bleeding. I walked out of my room to go to the bathroom.

"Woah Connor, are you okay?" Kian asked me when he was going to his room.

"Shut the fuck up" I said and entered the bathroom. "Whatever, never thought it was a crime to care about a person." Kian said and went to his room. I shouldn't have been rude to him but I'm just so mad.

I love Hannah, a lot. I can't believe she kissed him back, I thought she felt the same way about me, but I guess not.

I don't wanna talk to anyone, I guess I'll just die in my room. I went back into my room, and locked the door.


He broke up with me. I'm extremely broken. I love Connor so much, but Jc and I have a weird love connection. I am guilty that I kissed him back. I'm tired. I'm tired of everything. Since I was in Jc's room, I just laid down on his bed and I fell asleep.

"Hannah? Are you in there?" I heard someone called my name. "Uh, yeah, you can come in" I said.

"Are you alright? I heard everything. You wanna talk?" Kian asked. I don't really but maybe he can make me feel a little better. I nodded.

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