Chapter 9

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Today was Sunday, and today, Kian, Andrea, Jc and I are going to the fair. It was 11:30am right now and I needed to get ready. I turned to face Jc still in bed with me.

"Jc..wake up" I said shaking him. He groaned. "What time is it?" He asked in a raspy voice. His morning voice was very, intriguing. By that, I mean sexy. "It's 11:33am get up, we're going to the fair at 12:30 and we've got to get ready." I answered him.

"I'm gonna go shower" I said. "Can I shower with you?" He asked looking up at me this time. "I don't know...maybe." I said, winking at him and walking into his bathroom. He got up and followed me.

"This is awkward now" I said, staring at the ground. "It's okay, nothing's gonna happen, I promise. It's really up to you." He said. "Okay, you can shower with me." I said. He nodded and we both started to take our clothes off.

After we were done showering, we got dressed quickly and went downstairs to eat a little snack before we went out with Kian and Andrea. "Hey guys" Ricky said eating some cereal. Connor was there with Kian and Ricky.

"Hey" Jc and I said awkwardly. "'re going to the fair with Kian and Andrea..hope you have fun" Ricky said trying to make a conversation. "Yeah thanks" I said smiling uncomfortably.

Connor was just there of his phone, not caring. Well I think he doesn't care. Maybe we're just never going to talk or make up with each other ever again. It was now 12:15 and Kian, Jc and I decided to leave. We got into Kian's car and drove to Andrea's to pick her up.


I'm definitely not over Hannah. I love her so much. Seeing she and Jc hanging around each other like they're dating makes me so angry. Maybe I should make her jealous so she would want me.

I grabbed my phone and went straight up into my room. "Hello?" Lesley said. I called her. " wanna come with me to the fair? I need you to do something for me also, come over and I'll tell you as we drive there" I said.

"Do I get to kiss you?" She asked, squealing through her phone. "Uh..we'll see" I said. I'm not planning to kiss her to be honest. "Alright, well meet me outside in 10 minutes" She said and then hunged up.

"Hey, come outside, I'm here" She said. "Okay" I said and hunged up. I went downstairs, grabbed my car keys and locked the door behind me. "Alright, follow me." I said, walking to my car. "So, what exactly did you want me to do?" She asked.

"Well, Kian, Andrea, Jc and Hannah went to the fair, and I hate it that she's being a little bit too close to Jc. So I thought it would be perfect if I made her jealous by acting like I really like you and maybe we can kiss once or twice." I said explaining.

"Hmm, I see, alright, that's fine with me" She said. I know that she and Lesley aren't speaking at all, so it'll be perfect.

After 20 minutes, we arrived at the fair. We got out of the car and went to the fair area since we were just in the parking lot. We bought tickets and went all over looking for them.


Jc and I were at the ferris wheel line up, trying to wait for our turn. I looked to my side and I saw Connor and Lesley. "Jc, look" I said nudging his elbow to get his attention to them. "Woah..." He said. He looked really shocked. I can say the same for myself also.

Really??! Lesley? I'm disappointed in him and her, even though I know we're never going to be friends. Out of all the girls he could go with, he went with Lesley. I'm so disgusted. "Just don't pay attention to them, don't let them bother you" Jc said, kissing my forehead.

I nodded and soon enough, it was our turn to get on the ferris wheel with a bunch of other people.

"Jc, look at them now" I said. They were kissing and I could see them from up here. "Honestly, what's wrong with him?, let's just go. I'm gonna make sure today's really good for you. We don't need Connor and Lesley ruining that." He said, and kissed me.

I kissed back, because I love him and he's been really there for me lately. I think maybe I deserve Jc more than I do with Connor. I nodded and we went on other rides.

We were soon tired and decided to have lunch at one of the nearby fast food restaurants. We ordered our food and we heard a few girls screaming Jc's name.

"Oh my god. Jc, I love you so much." A girl with blonde hair said. "Aweh, thank you, I love you too" He responded. "Can my friends and I take a picture with you? And Hannah?" She asked politely, smiling.

"Eww, Sierra we don't want her in the picture." A girl with red hair said. I gulped. I didn't want to look offended or anything, so I just stepped aside. "Why not?" Jc asked, confused. "Cuz she's a little slut. She went from Connor to you like what the hell" The red haired girl said again.

"Honestly, you have no right to call her a slut and if you're going to be rude to my best friend, you might as well not be in the picture and it'll be great if you left, yeah? Thanks" Jc snapped back. I like it when he gets protective. "Okay then.." Was all she said and stepped aside to wait for her friends.

Jc and I took pictures with the both of her friends and they gave us their Twitter usernames and then said goodbyes to us. After that, we returned to our table to eat our lunch.

"I'm sorry that she was so rude to you. If anyone says anything bad to you, just remember that you're perfect and that I love you if no one else does." He said and winked at me. I chuckled. "Thank you, and I love you too" I said and leaned in to give him a quick kiss on his lips.

After eating, we went to a park around the neighbourhood. It was already dark out and we brought a blanket along so we could just lay underneath the stars.

It was all I ever wanted. It was so perfect. I've changed in a very different way since I've met the boys. I don't know exactly what word to describe any of all this but, everyone has ups and downs right?


(A/N:Well this chapter is kinda short but I have ideas but guys please comment!!! I need your feedback & also any ideas & input's you guys may have. It'll be really helpful. & omfgg guysss 634 reads. I never thought this book would actually be read. Well thank you so much guys!!!
I'll update soon enough ~T)

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