happy cackles

77 15 3

They entered inside the mansion

Yn pov

When I entered inside I heard many laughing and talking sounds.

But suddenly everything went silent when one of them asked.

???:who is it tae?

Everyone looked at me. I felt very scared so I hide behind my dad.

End of yn pov

Tae:I'll tell you...maid show her her's room...
Maid: ok sir..

Yn went upstairs with her.tae went and sat in the couch.

Jimin:tae who is it?.......................
Tae:.........................my daughter.
Hobi:you mean yn?
Jin:she had grown up too much.
Yoongi:after all it been 13 years.(rolling eyes)
Tae: ok we'll talk later I'm tired. I badly want to sleep. Bye.......

Time skip


Dinner time.

Yn came downstairs.

But dinning table was empty. So she sat on one of the stairs.the dinning table is too big that 15 members can able to sit.

Soon everyone started comming downstairs and sat on their places exept jisoo

Jisoo:where will I sit if this unnie sit here? Tell her to get up.
Jimin: jisoo baby......come here you can sit in appa's lap.
Jisoo:no I'll sit In my place only tell her to go away.

Yn look at everyone and she slowly got up and went toward hall and sat in the couch

Everyone went silent for a minute.

Rm:ok let's eat.

They starts eating.

Meanwhile in living room with yn

Yn was sitting on the couch. She heard the sound of their happy cackles.

She don't wanna hear them so she got up and went inside the kitchen by the second door.

In kitchen.

All maids flinched by her sudden appearance.

Maid.1:hi mam
Yn:huh?.......don't call me mam call me yn.
Maid.3:no mam we aren't allowed to do that.
Maid.5:nothing mam they've ordered us call everyone present here sir and mam
Yn:ohh...when you'll eat.
Maid.2:after they all finished eating
Yn: s-shall I eat with you all?
Maid.4: ofcourse mam!why not?

30 mins later

They all completed eating. Maids cleaned the table and serve themselves.

Yn:can you all introduce yourself?
Maid.1:myself. Mia.
Maid.5: I'm aere.
Maid 3:lily
Maid.2: I'm Mary
Maid.4:ji woo
Yn:and I'm yn

Them they all ate their dinner.

Yn: Tomorrow morning at which time you'll be eating.
Lily: at 9.
Yn:ok then see you in morning.

Yn went to her room

Yn is happy that she'll be eating with some one that's going to happen after so many years.

But still sad that it's not her family members.

But this is better than eating alone. Am I right?...

Next morning.

8.30 a.m

Yn came downstairs to see that her father smiling with others. She don't wanna disturb them so she went in by the second door to the kitchen.

Yn's pov

Am I not important to them?they are very happy without me. Am I being a burden to them?to my dada?do they all need me?will they hate me? No no they shouldn't. I'll be a good girl I don't wanna go there again.

End of yn's pov
To be continued.

Let me tell you if I didn't get 50 votes I'll not upload next part.

And comment me how do you felt after reading this part



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