The Mafia's Lily

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This story contains some violent words that viewers may not accept.

This all started at a cafe where Lily started her first job , after she had just graduated from ivy League University , that her father Raymond Julius owned , he was a man well known to the world , but since he passed away , her brother Williams Julius took over their father's business , and she was given a job opportunity at a cafe called Daily Coffee , but she could have worked under her brother or lived her life in wealth under her father's fortune , but she didn't want anything to do with her fathers legacy , after she found out that brother was working with criminals and that he secretly snuggled money into his account.

Days later Lily had been paid at her place of work , after she took her leave and headed to the small apartment she rented , she opened the door to get in but she noticed that her door was unlocked , so she went in and found a tattooed man sitting on her couch as she asked him , who he was and he told her that it was non of her business to know her identity , just when she turned to leave , two tall man stopped her from leaving , and then the tattooed man said " where do you think you are going princess " , then she replied " what do you want from me " , he then explained to her that her brother Williams made a deal to sell her to him for three hundred and forty five billion dollars , just then Lily said to the man " I never agree to being sold to anyone " , the man then replied " you are coming with me princess " , just when they were about to take her away Lily asked him what his name was , and he said " I am James Martiago Byers , the Mafia King " , immediately lily remember hearing his name from the news and so she said to him , " I am going no where with you " , And just then he grabbed Lily by her throat replying " you are mine and mine only princess , you are coming with me ", then he let go of throat , as one of his man pulled her out with force.

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