Secret confession

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"Let's go to your dorm. You deserve rest!"

We went to my dorm. I threw Mattheo's hoodie on the floor, changed my clothes to something comfy and then petted Twinkie. I was lying on my bed, Pansy sat next to me.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"About what?"


"There's nothing to talk about."

"I saw the way you look at him. You're not looking at him as a friend. There's something between you two. I can see it."

"I thought there was something too before he left me on the dancefloor at the party. It seems to me, that he's not doing the love thing. You know me too well. You know I'm a hopeless romantic and looking for the love of my life. Guess it's not him."

"Just give him a chance. He loves you. And that scares him more than anything,"

"Why do you think?"

"Because I have known him all my life. He looks at you the way he has never looked at anybody before. You're his person. I can't unsee it," she said with serious voice. A smile appeared on my face.

"What if you're wrong? What if he just wants to fool with me? Gosh... It's so hard for me to read him," I hid my face in my hands.

"What if, what if??? You're still looking for 'What if'. What if he's in love with you? What if you're on his mind and in his heart?"

"In that case, he would tell me or somehow show me."

"He beat that boy! Only for you! And stares at you everytime you look away. It's not a coincidence!" I've noticed that. I looked at him and he was already staring. I thought it meant nothing. "Look, Y/N, you make him happy. I haven't seen him laughing for a long time. What do you even think about him? Because if you don't like him I'm not going to pursue you."

"He's a mystery for me. I don't know what do you want to hear?"

"For example how do you feel near to him?"

"Well... Everytime he looks at me I feel butterflies in my stomach. When he's close to me I forget how to breathe. And when he touches me my skin burns. When our eyes meet my heart skips a beat. That's what you wanted to hear?"



"Your eyes sparkled while you were talking about him!"

"Shut up," I threw a pillow to her face and laughed.

"To change the topic for something less sad, what would you say about Mattheo's brother?"

"Well, Tommy looks kinda scary. But when I talked to him, he seems to be really cool mate."

"Yeah he... Wait! You call him Tommy?!"

"Sure, he allowed me to call him that. Is that a problem?"

"NO! It's great! He allowed this only to a couple of people. The closest ones!"

"Do you think it has some connection with Mattheo?"

"Maybe Tommy knows you're the one!" she winked.

"Whatever. Anyway... if you tell anyone I cried, I'll kill you," I said with a dead stare. I was too tired to go back to the party. I talked to Pansy for a while and then fell asleep. I need to think about what she said. Could it be true? I'm scared to open up to somebody when I'm not sure about the future.


I run to the Forbidden Forest. It's pretty calm here, so that's the reason I chose this place. This was the first place I met her. I was alone. For a while.

"Theo? You good?" Tommy found me. Here in this huge forest.

"Mhm," that's all I said. He knows me too well. He's my twin. He knows I'm not good.

"I know, you're not. Tell me what's on your mind?"

"You know the answer," I took a look at my shoes.

"It's her. Right?" I nodded.

"Look. I know, you're too scared to show your romantic side. You're not supposed to die alone. Nobody is. Look at our father. Even he has the love of his life. And her? She loves you. I see it. And Pansy's told me more about her. She told me, how she looks at you. What if she's the person you're supposed to die with? What if you didn't run this time? What if you stayed and let love overtake you? I know love isn't your thing. But just try it. You deserve to be loved," Tommy was looking at me.

"But I don't want to break her heart. She deserves someone better. Someone without a broken soul."

"She is your plaster. I feel it since the first time I talked to her. She didn't say anything bad about you. And believe me, everybody else did."

"How can a heart like hers love a heart like mine?"

"Pansy said she's a strong woman who can do anything. And to be honest, I believe her. She's looking at you like you're her favourite cake," he laughs.

"That's not true," I blushed and smiled.

"C'mon admit it. Say you love her. I can see it in your eyes."



"I love her. Holy fuck. I LOVE HER," I shouted.

"You should tell her before it's late."

"Did I mess it up?"

"Just a little. But you still have a chance. She'll forgive you. Let's go back." I nodded. I definitely have to tell her everything. I'm scared. But the thing that scares me more is to lose her.

I decided to go back to the party, but I didn't see her anywhere. So I went to her dorm. I wanted to knock at the door, but it suddenly opened. Pansy's face appeared.

"You..." she said with a dead stare.

"Can I see her?"

"She's already asleep."

"Can I at least take a peek?"

"No, weirdo!"

"But I must tell her."

"Tell what?"

Hello!!! Another chapter is here. Hope you're excited, we have some cool things to come. Don't ask yourself what if. Just wait. Better an oops than a what if. Have a great day. We love you!!!


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