Kill it with Fire

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"What the hell is that?"

I stared down at the long dead corpses. It looked distant and alien, its limb and shape were of something that did not belong on this planet. It was so absolutely revolting that I was having immense trouble not to puke. The reactions from everyone around me contained similar expressions, their face filled with one half disgust, and the other half horror.

"Officer, what the hell is that."

I repeated my question, but it took more then a little while for him to reply.

"Sorry professor, but we aren't quite sure. It doesn't seem like anything from our planet, nor could it possibly be from any planet we know about."

"Well officer, what should we do with it?"

The officer looked at me for a long time before giving him his answer.

"We originally had thought about giving it up for research, but the government fears that the thing may carry diseases that would endanger us. It had been agreed upon to burn it within a safe premise."

I nodded my head in agreement, there was no telling what could have been on the alien. It needed to be exterminated. We immediately got started on evacuating the area of anyone that wasn't part of the team, and we prepared our flamethrowers. We sprayed with layer of flames and watched as it skin sizzle in the intense heat. Normally that would have been enough, but the alien seem to have a defense mechanism against the flames, it skin charcoaled. It two legs merely contorted in shape, as did it two arms.

Our team carefully brought oh the acid, and was even more careful when we pour it on the monster. I felt an incredible wave of relief when I saw that the acid beginning to work. Its corrosive contents began to dissolve and melt the alien. It eroded the skin, and then blood came out. My eyes widen as the disgusting sight of the red blood oozing out the thing. I quickly dispatched a flamethrower team to get rid of it.

Most would call this going to far, and some my take to call me demented. However, what I'm doing is for the safety of our kind. We can not take chances with severe threats such as this alien. As soon as I was sure the thing was completely gone, that every cell in its body had evaporated, I began to sigh deep breaths of relief.

Despite my absolute confidence in my resolve to have burn the abomination, I was slightly curious of the creature. Why was it so oddly shape, it body in such strange porportions with it head being so large as to compare with it body. How could it have gotten here when we were barely able to explore nearby planets? Most troubling was how its skin only blacken when treated with fire when it should had evaporated. Does this mean that there are others within the universe that can withstand fire?


My thoughts were interrupted by one of the assistant on my team. It seems that they have discovered something about how the alien had arrived on the planet. Hesitant, but optimistic that the vehicle could lead to more discoveries, I had the machine sanitized instead of destroyed. When I reached the site of impact the first odd thing I realized was the shape of the machine. It was narrow and sleek, it design was like an arrow, in contrast to our ships that were more like disks. The second thing would be the strange writing on the ship. It barely resemble letters and was barely elligible that seem to only have four letters.

"Professor, we seem to have something on the ship."

The assisstant handed me the most peculiar device. It seemed like some sort of way to communicate. Without warning the machine suddenly vibrated, it took all of my willpower to not drop the thing. A noise started to speak in a broken language that we could barely identified as our own.

"We come in peace. Please do not attack. We're only here to seek out friendship and have came unarmed. We call Earth our home, and the Solar System our place of residence. We are the species known as humans, or scientifically the Homo Sapiens. We have come to seek out trade so our two planets may properating together. Once again, please do not attack so we can make proper negotiations. This is NASA speaking, once again, do not attack."

My assistant and I stood still for a long moment, before he turned and asked.

"Professor, what is a human?"

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