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Fantasia gave herself one more look over. She opted for a pair of sexy skinny jeans and a baby blue halter top for her outing. She figured if she was to touch more animals she would be OK with losing a pair of jeans and a shirt not with one of her expensive dresses. Fantasia placed her flip-flops on and headed out the door.

Fantasia slid her door open and jumped. Jonica was standing there with her hand in the knocking position. They both jumped. Fantasia could tell something was up, by Jonica's stern look.

Jonica looked at Fantasia's sexy appearance. She took a few steps back and sighed. "look I know you are on your way out. I just wanted to come and say something real quick."
Tasia closed the door behind her. She turned back and looked at Jonica "what's up?"

Jonica took a deep breath. "look Fantasia I know I'm not your woman and I'm cool with that however, I'm not cool with you. Sleeping around and coming back to me."
Fantasia was put off by Jonica's attitude. "Jonica.."
"I'm not saying that you are sleeping with anyone. I just have to say what is best for me. I'm not about to be just a number on your list."

"Jonica, wait a minute here. I don't want you to think that it's like that because it's not. But I just ended a marriage. I'm not trying to be back settled down this soon. I am going to date, but I'm not trying to sleep around with various people. That's not my style." Fantasia felt her body heating up.

"it's whatever Fantasia. Do what you want to do, but understand that even though I want to be here for you, I'm not going to sit around and let you play me for a four. That's all I got to say. Have fun on your little date. " Jonica walked away, leaving Fantasia speechless.

Fantasia knew Jonica cared about her, But she wasn't expecting that reaction. A piece of her wanted to follow Jonica just give in, but something held her back. She shook her head and headed down the hallway. She had a date to get to.

Fantasia pull into the abandoned zoo parking lot. There were two cars in the facility. She figured one of them had to be Derek's. She hopped out of her BMW and walked toward the gate. The parking lot was a little scary at night. The giant statues that the front entrance seemed bigger in the dark. She noticed a tall standing by the gate she smiled.

Derek look nice in a pair of dark denim jeans and a black button-down a big change in his zookeeper get up. "wow." Derek smiled. "you look amazing."
"thank you." Fantasia hugged Derek. His cologne smelled amazing on him. "I hope you are hungry." Derek held her hand as they headed into the zoo.

The beautiful pool that resembled the reflecting pool in the front of the Lincoln Memorial was lit up with pink and blue light. Fantasia was in awe. The beauty of the zoo was captured better at night then during the day. She thought it would be beautiful for a party or reception.

They walked into the cat country café. Once housed, the lions and tigers was now transformed into a large cafeteria during the day that served backyard burgers and treats for customers. Fantasia was surprised to see a single table in the middle for the two.

"wow you did all of this for me?"
"don't get too excited yet." Derek pulled the top off her silver tray. The backyard burger and fries sat on the plate. Fantasia laughed. "I'm sorry I didn't have much time I had to work with what I could. But I made the burgers myself."

"I can't believe they let you do this."Fantasia set in the chair that Derek had pulled out for her. "let's just say I have friends in high places."Derek sat in the chair across from her. "the head security guard is one of my best friends. We are the only two in the zoo tonight."

"so is this and all the time being. Bring women to the zoo and wine and dine them with a burgers and private tours?" Fantasia slanted her eyes. Derek last echo through the building. "no it's not like that. We wouldn't risk this for anyone." Derek's eyes were fixed on Fantasia.

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