Be Pleased With Me

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Maalik ar-Ruaasi reported that he, along with others from Banu Kilaab, attacked a group of people from the Banu Asad tribe. They killed some and dealt indecently with female prisoners. News of what happened reached the Prophet, who then cursed the attackers and supplicated against them.

When Maalik heard this he tied his own hands, went to the Prophet and said, "O Messenger of Allah, be pleased with us, may Allah be pleased with you."

The Prophet turned away from him, but he went around the Prophet to face him. He then repeated his previous plea, "Be pleased with us, may Allah be pleased with you." He then said, "For by Allah, when one tries to please the Lord, He becomes pleased with Him."

The Prophet drew near to Maalik and asked him, "Have you repented for what you did, and asked Allah to forgive you?"

"Yes," answered Maalik.

"O Allah, pardon him and be pleased with him," said the Prophet.

[Usood al-Ghaabah, 4595]

All praise is for Allah, Lord of all that exists. O Allah, send prayers and salutations upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, his companions, and all those who follow his way until the Last Day. 

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