The Realm of Souls

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My name is Tamachi jinoon, and I live in Japan. The year is 2027 and I'm just leaving home to buy some manga that was just released. As I waited for the light to change from red to green, panic began to incur throughout the streets as a man was running towards me with a knife. I sighed and thought to myself: "it's Wednesday, but feels like just another Tuesday. This guy has been trying to kill me for over three weeks now." 

I grabbed his wrist and flipped him over behind me and felt a slight sting in my back, I then kicked his ankle and dislocated his wrists before falling to one knee and collapsing. I don't know why he wanted me dead so desperately but... whatever! he got what he wanted.

I sat up on what seemed to be a stone bed and I looked around as a voice said : "How unfortunate, it would seem that your life was cut short, Tamachi Jinoon"

I looked up and saw a female that was approaching me and I said "My life was nothing but that of a lowly introverts, who are you!?"

They smiled and said "I am Thea, the goddess of life, and you are in the realm of souls right now."

"And I have decided to reincarnate you." 

what! why!?

well, watching you fend off your assassin so many times, and the world needing someone like you, i figured, why not? 

Oh, and if you do accept, you will have to change your name, and won't remember all of your previous life, just your combat prowess and abilities.

you're beginning to make it sound like this reincarnation needs to be done... fine then, what do i get out of it? what do you want?

I want to choose my own skills and abilities. 

of course! that's part of the process too!

I am Chidori Fafnir, a child found by and raised by the legendary dragon himself!

Skill selection!

Chidori was surrounded by a tower of cards she said

"Let's see here... hunting rank B"

I'll take it

Next up is rare skills...

cooking rank S


super rare skills?

Martial arts rank S


legendary skill is

spirit summoning level 11...


and finally...

the ultimate skill

unlimited mana

and bonus skill...

black magic? huh... guess its due to being raised by Fafnir.

Goddess, I'm finished!

So you've finished deciding then? Allow me to give you a skill exclusive to those who I deem, Worthy of my acknowledgement. 

The appraising eye.

Have fun in your new life , Chidori Fafnir...

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