Chapter 4 | Fresh Start |

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I woke up to my alarm blaring at 3 in the morning. I groaned and rolled over in my bed trying to ignore it.

I eventually gave up and got up to turn the alarm off. The movers were going to be here in half an hour so i had half an hour to get myself ready before getting Rose up and ready.

I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to splash water on my face hopping to wake me up a bit more. I brushed my teeth before heading back into my room to change.

I changed into a white long sleeve top with a white knitted jumper over along with black leggings and a pair of black boots to go with it.

Just as i was about to do my hair the doorbell rang. I headed towards the door and opened it to see two men.

"Hi where the movers your Valerie Voight?" one of the men asked "Yes,the boxes are right there, just leave the suitcase please " i said with a smile.

I moved the boxes near the front door last night before i went to bed to make it easier for the movers. "You make our life alot easier" one of the men said with a laugh as he walked in,the other following behind.

I headed back to my room and started on my hair. I did 2 braids and added some small white bows at the end.

After i was finished i packed the pajamas i wore to bed in my suitcase before waking up rose. "5 more minutes" she groaned. I let out a small laugh before pulling the duvet off her. "come on"

I unfolded Roses clothes which i layed at the bottom of her bed while she sat up rubbing her eyes. I quickly got her changed and tied her hair up in a bun and added a small bow also so we could match.

"Come on" i picked rose up off the bed and she buried her head in my shoulder clinging onto her teddy.

I walked back into the kitchen where the two men where just finishing up "I just need you to sign this and we will be gone" the man smiled holding a clip bord and a pen. I took the pen and signed my name at the bottom.

Valerie Vivian Voight

"Thank you" the man said before following the other out the door.

"Lets get going Rosa" i said with a smile.I set Rose down and grabbed my keys off the counter. Rose walked out the door first and i followed with the 2 suitcase. "Lets go" Rose smiled.


We got a cab to the airport and it was busy for this time of the morning. It was 5:19 when we arrived and we quickly got checked in and went through security.

It was Roses first time at the airport so i told her to stay close to me. We went through security which took us 20 minutes before we had to wait for our flight.

We had an hour to spare before our flight.Rose spent most of it sitting by the windows watching as planes landed and flew off.

"Is that our plane?" she asked again pointing to a plane that had just taken off. "Rose you have asked mama that 4 times already" i laughed before checking the notifications on my phone


Everything go ok this morning V?

Yeah just waiting for the flight now

Me and Erin will be there waiting
for yous when you land.

Thanks Dad,We'll see you soon.
Ro also says hi 🌹❤️

"Flight to Chicago is now bording" a voice said over the speaker "Is that us?" Roses asked running over to me. I smiled and nodded my head "Lets go Lets go" she repeated pointing towards our gate.

This was now our fresh start,New area,Diffrent people.We where leaving our old life in New York behind us and starting a new one together in Chicago.


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