Chapter 17: I'm here for you.

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"No please no......" Jungkook struggle to open his eyes in his sleep. He is having yet another nightmare again the same thing. Baby crying loudly in a pitch dark night empty highway road. It was heavily pouring.

Jungkook is sitting on the driver seat but his car has met with an accident. His head his profusely bleeding he struggle to open his eyes holding his head tightly. He can clearly hear a distinct loud baby cry. He struggle to open his eyes very hard finally holding all his strength he open his eyes but at the same time a huge source light and hit their car to flip that multiple times on the ground beside the highway.

Some local people came there running when they saw the car lying reversed with passengers on it. "Oh shit come on" a guy said his friend and both run to the ground to help them. "Shit...shit....there is baby" other guy sat in the floor to pull the baby who was fainting.

"Hey pup your eyes" a guy tried to pat on pups cheeks lightly to wake baby up. "" Jungkook breaths squinting his eyes to open it.

He held his fingers to feel whether he is breathing or not his whole face is covered by blood. The guy pulled out the crushed wallet that fell in the floor "Look here isn't it doctor jeon" the guy called his friend. He pats Jungkook cheeks "doctor jeon....

Doctor jeon" jimin called Jungkook shaking elder ro wake him up. Alpha is having a nightmare he could here loud cried of the elder from living room to bedroom. He ran here getting scared of Jungkook talking something in the midnight. He shook him hardly seeing tears running out of elder closed eyes.

"Open your eyes doctor" hardly shook.

"NABI" Jungkook open his eyes and sat straight holding his head breathing heavily sweat dripping from the side of his forehead. He looks paranoid. Jimin eyes widen seeing the sat of doctor.

"Doctor jeon" jimin touch his shoulder lightly but Jungkook flinched scaring jimin. Suddenly a loud thunder breaks scaring both of them. Jimin hands started to shake hearing that and seeing jungkook this much scared. Who will take care of him if he gets panic attack now.

"Papa" nabi started to cry due to thumper sound and empty room. Jimin teared recalling who will see her, both the elders of the house having panic attack. But nonetheless he tried to call Jungkook before he gets one.

"" jimin shutter tears filling his eyes. Jungkook instantly pulled back hearing loud baby cry. He look at jimin and stood up to hold jimin.

"'s okay it's fine" he made him sit on the couch where he slept. "Breath.... breath jimin" Jungkook ram to the room to bring nabi here. Pup put her head on Jungkook neck hugging his neck with her small hands. Alpha rub her back to calm here with his shaking hands. Jimin look up seeing them smiling. He forgot everything once he smell magnolina scent alpha release for nabi. Surprisingly it even calm him.

"I'll get water" jungkook shuttered walking yo the kitchen holding nabi in his hands. He tired to turn in some lights but slipped due to the jimin decoration box.

"Ouch" he held his kneels but bit his lips acknowledging sleeping nabi in his shoulders. Jimin stood up to see him. He walked towards Jungkook.

"I can...I can manage" he wakes to kitchen jimin frown seeing Jungkook panicked state.

"Doctor I can get water leave it" jimin said seeing shaking hands of alpha holding glass to fill in the purifier. Jimin is observing Jungkook carefully elder is not in his senses jimin was about to walk to him at least to take nabi from his hands so elder can breath a little first before he could touch nabi Jungkook dropped the glass and held nabi tightly.

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