𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐞𝐱𝐚𝐦 | 3

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I really want to stay at your house - Hallie Coggins and Rosa Walton ─

" Emergency, Emergency. A kaiju has emerge in Osaka Prefecture, in the city Sakai. We repeat, a kaiju has emerge in the Osaka Prefecture, in the city Sakai." Sakura heard the loud speaker with monotoned voice echoes through the bustling street. The sea of people suffocate her, she feels the stuffy air invade her lungs, she felt her body being crushed as she sprung her way out of the crowd. Her face gone pale and she felt the whole world dropped down on her.

She felt cold shivers runs down her back. She felt the suffocating heat emits off her. She runs. She felt her toes burning as it crash down to the hoof of her tight shoes, she felt the sole of her foot being pierce by multiple gleaming thorns. Her heart thumping loudly against of her ribcages like a hammer pounding down on her. She felt her eyes burn with hot tears as she crumbles onto the ground after she trips around the street's corner. With her bruised fingers, she pushed herself up off the ground.

From the corner of her eyes, she could see a kaiju, a massive dark-scaled kaiju shaped much like a theropod dinosaur, possessing short arms and large legs. Its head was elongated and equipped with a long maw with sharp teeth, while the top of its cranium had two long pointy horns on the sides. It gnawing teeth seems to breath out puffs of white smokes, seems to be frost. Its eyes tainted yellow, dull of life and menacing.

From the corner of her eyes, she saw sparks of electricity being shot at the large kaiju, leaving a few puffs of smoke behind. The Kaiju screech loudly, stomping it giant legs onto the water surface, splashing and freezing the nearby water, creating a mini tsunami and earthquake. Sakura felt her ears bleed, at the screeching echoing sounds of the kaiju. She saw a woman, flying at the large Kaiju with a blinding speed, swinging her spears to smash the pierces the creases of the armour, but to no avail, she was soon swatted to the side with a powerful swipe.

The kaiju was gasping for air, it blood spews like a large cannon from the deep pierce that the woman made. It screech yet again, creating a huge snow and large icicles, shooting to the ground with blinding speed.

' Is this, the real battle between a Kaiju and humankind?' she thought, covering her gaping mouth as he gaze lays on the large terrifying kaiju. Suddenly, she could felt a small graze on her cheeks, and a puff of cold air soon blows her face.

' Snow?' she thought, reaching out her hands into the pale bleak sky. She could feel a cold air beside her, leaving her spines runs cold and her stomach collapsed. A large icicles lays near her, pierce into the stone floor, gleaming against her greyish blue eyes. She swallows her spits, as she gaze against the large icicles. With her arms, she shakily push the heavy icicles out of her way. Her fingers trembles and her knees were like noodles.

She runs straight to the nearest cuddle of people nearby. Pushing through the crowded soldier who were gather in a large circle. Sakura pants heavily, her heart seems to be hammering against her chest, and she could feel her lungs collapsed at the familiar voice. She could hear shouting and cries for help and despair. She could hear the pain grunts and the uncontrollable noise of blood spewing out of her person wound. Most importantly, she could hear the sound of her father. He was on a towel, laying motionlessly against the flat stone near Sakai's beach. HIs mouth were drenched in blood, and he was coughing uncontrollably to the point that you could hear his lungs gave out.

" Dad!" she screamed, pushing the closest soldier out of her path. She could feel tears prickles at the sight of her father. She swung herself onto the her dad, gripping the poor man tight around the neck. She cries, hurrying her face against her father body. She could feel his rough hand on her head, patting her weakly. Her father's eyes were dull, almost too lifeless amongst his blue coloured hues. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01 ⏰

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