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-Temari is able to counter the Ten-Tails' attacks, demonstrating her immense power

-In "Konoha Hiden", she's revealed to actually be the best Wind Release user in the entire world, which is staggeringly impressive.

-She becomes so adept at using Wind Release that she's eventually seen- at least in the anime- doing so even without her fan, simply via the palm of her hand.

-she can fight for hours non-stop against high-level opponents without getting winded.

-not only does she have better intelligence stats than Sakura. Her strength, ninjutsu, and stamina also seems to be higher with Temari's being;
Ninjutsu:4, strength: 3.5, and stamina: 3 whilst Sakuras are; Ninjutsu: 3, strength: 3, and stamina: 2.5

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2024 ⏰

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